13.2: Distribution of V/Q (2024)

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    As you should understand, ventilation increases down the lung so is greatest at the base, and perfusion follows the same pattern—all due to the effects of gravity. But the increase in ventilation down the lung structure is not equal to the increase in perfusion, as can be seen in figure 13.6. You can see here that perfusion is higher than ventilation at the base; it falls off much more rapidly as the lung is ascended, so it ends up being lower than ventilation at the apex.

    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (2)

    This means there is a range of ventilation–perfusion ratios up the height of the lung (figure 13.6, maroon plot). At the base perfusion is higher than ventilation, so V/Q is less than 1, while toward the apex V/Q rises and becomes greater than 1. At about the level of the third rib, V/Q is perfect (yay!) as ventilation and perfusion are matched, seen here at the points the lines cross. This range of V/Q results in the previously mentioned whole lung average of 0.8.

    As you should appreciate from understanding the ventilation–perfusion line, this range of V/Q across the lung results in a range of alveolar gas partial pressures across the lung. The apical alveoli, being relatively overventilated (or underperfused, whichever way you would like to think about it), have a high V/Q and consequently have partial pressures closer to atmospheric partial pressures. On the other extreme, the basal alveoli are relatively underventilated (or overperfused, your choice) and so have a low V/Q, tending toward zero; thus their partial pressures are closer to venous values (figure 13.7).

    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (3)

    In between these two extremes is a progressive range, so what we see is that alveolar PO2 declines down the lung while alveolar PCO2 rises. As you might imagine, having a range of alveolar gas tensions down the lung has ramifications for gas exchange and particularly for oxygen saturation. This inequality in V/Q resulting in differences in alveolar PO2 is substantial enough to suppress arterial oxygen saturation—and contribute to your oxygen saturation meter never reading 100 percent. Let us see why.

    The difference in alveolar PO2 from apex to base is as high as 40 mmHg, as is reflected in this figure. The apical alveoli have a high PO2 (shown in figure 13.8 as 132 mmHg), primarily due to their poor perfusion and relatively high ventilation and thus high V/Q. This produces a high diffusion gradient from 132 mmHg in the apical alveoli, to 40 mmHg in the apical blood. Consequently, what blood does go to the apex becomes fully saturated before it heads back toward the left heart.

    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (4)

    Down at the base, however, V/Q is low because of the high perfusion and relatively low ventilation. Consequently the PO2 in basal alveoli tend toward venous values, shown in figure 13.8 as 89 mmHg. This lower alveolar PO2 means a diminished diffusion gradient (from 89 in the alveoli to 40 mmHg in the blood), and combined with a shift down the hemoglobin saturation curve (more on this later), this means blood leaving the basal alveoli may not be completely saturated with oxygen.

    When the blood from the apex and base mix on their journey back to the left heart, the outcome is that the combined oxygen saturation is less than 100 percent, about 97 percent. It is worth making perhaps an obvious but critical point here. The blood from the apex is exposed to a substantially higher PO2 and becomes 100 percent saturated (i.e., it cannot take on any more O2 as it is at its full oxygen carrying capacity). There is no way that it can pick up extra to compensate for the blood coming from basal alveoli, which are not at capacity.

    The same is not true for CO2 though. Because of its high solubility, CO2 transport does not rely on a transporter protein like hemoglobin; the transfer of CO2 is really dependent on the diffusion gradient present. So at the apex the lower alveolar PCO2 (slightly less than 30 mmHg looking at our V/Q line) generates a larger diffusion gradient with venous blood, and more CO2 is transferred out the blood, meaning that it can compensate for the low diffusion gradient (perhaps only a few mmHg) that occurs between the alveoli and blood at the lung’s base.

    As a study exercise it may be worthwhile for you to go back to the ventilation–perfusion line and calculate the diffusion gradients for oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and venous blood at different heights in the lung. I urge you to come to grips with this concept as it is highly pertinent to respiratory disease and can explain clinical-related changes in blood gases.

    The take-home message, however, is that even the normal lung is not perfect and has an average V/Q ratio of 0.8, rather than the ideal of 1, and this slight matching of ventilation and perfusion contributes to the arterial saturation being slightly less than 100 percent, but has little effect on arterial CO2. If respiratory disease increases the mismatch, this effect on oxygen saturation can become more pronounced, but the lung has a defense mechanism for this.

    Correcting V/Q Mismatches

    In an attempt to maintain V/Q close to 1 and prevent V/Q mismatching, the pulmonary vasculature has an unusual response to hypoxia. While the systemic vasculature responds to local hypoxia with a vasodilation to bring more blood to the area, the pulmonary vasculature constricts in the presence of low oxygen to shunt blood away from hypoxic regions.

    Let us look at a common scenario that might occur in a patient with chronic bronchitis. Figure 13.9 represents two regions of the lung. One region becomes blocked by a mucus plug, and ventilation to that region goes to zero.

    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (5)

    The alveolar partial pressures will rapidly equilibrate to venous pressures, and desaturated blood goes back to the left heart from this region while the local region around this area becomes mildly hypoxic. The pulmonary vasculature responds to the hypoxia by vasoconstricting, reducing the perfusion to the unventilated region and helping to rematch the V/Q ratio in this region (i.e., low ventilation is matched with low perfusion). In common sense terms, there is no point sending pulmonary blood to an unventilated region, so the hypoxia-driven vasoconstriction prevents this from happening.

    The distensibility of the pulmonary vasculature means that the blood is shunted to unconstricted vessels (i.e., those supplying ventilated regions). Thus the lung has its own inherent mechanism to optimize V/Q and promote the most effective gas exchange possible.

    The unusual response of the pulmonary vasculature is demonstrated in figure 13.10, showing how as alveolar PO2 falls (as occurs with a decline in alveolar ventilation) then blood flow falls—and likewise, the more oxygen in the alveolus, the more pulmonary perfusion it receives.

    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (6)

    This effect is driven by a hypoxia-sensitive potassium channel found on the albeit sparse smooth muscle of the pulmonary arterioles. This channel is normally open and allows the exit of potassium, which in turn keeps the inside of the muscle cell polarized. When exposed to hypoxia the channel closes, and the outward potassium current stops, allowing the muscle cell’s membrane potential to rise and consequently depolarize to cause a contraction.


    So to summarize, the ratio of ventilation and perfusion changes across the lung, and this affects the alveolar and consequently arterial gas tensions from those regions. While the lung does not reach the ideal V/Q ratio, it is capable of shunting pulmonary blood flow away from unventilated areas to optimize gas exchange.

    References, Resources, and Further Reading


    Levitsky, Michael G. "Chapter 5: Ventilation–Perfusion Relationships." In Pulmonary Physiology, 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Education, 2018.

    West, John B. "Chapter 5: Ventilation–Perfusion Relationships—How Matching of Gas and Blood Determines Gas Exchange." In Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials, 9th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2012.

    Widdicombe, John G., and Andrew S. Davis. "Chapter 7." In Respiratory Physiology. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1983.


    13.2: Distribution of V/Q (2024)


    What is the normal V/Q ratio of the lungs? ›

    These two variables, V and Q, determine oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood. Normal V is 4 l/min of air and normal Q is 5 l/min of blood. So normal V/Q ratio is 4/5 = 0.8 [1]. The actual values in the human lung vary depending on the position within the lung due to the gravitational effect.

    What is the v/q ratio in pulmonary embolism? ›

    A pulmonary embolism can result in reduced perfusion of the lungs. Obstruction of some regions of pulmonary circulation limits blood flow to alveoli. As a result, blood is redirected to other areas of the lung. As the other areas receive an increased blood supply, the V/Q ratio will be <1.

    What is a high V Q mismatch? ›

    An increased V/Q ratio occurs when there is decreased perfusion in the lungs. Even with normal airflow or minimally impaired airflow, you could develop a V/Q mismatch in which the perfusion is low with nearly normal ventilation. This can occur due to disease or blockage of the blood vessels in the lungs.

    What is the V Q for normal blood gas? ›

    In a healthy individual, the V/Q ratio is 1 at the middle of the lung, with a minimal spread of V/Q ratios from 0.3 to 2.1 from base to apex. [1] In cases of high V/Q ratios, PO2 increases, and PCO2 decreases as alveolar air more closely matches the larger volume of inspired air than perfused blood.

    What is a normal VQ scan result? ›

    Considering that ventilation equals approximately 4 L per minute and the perfusion equals 5 L/min, a normal V/Q level is 0.8. It develops when ventilation exceeds perfusion.

    What lung ratio is COPD? ›

    In pulmonary function testing, a postbronchodilator FEV₁/FVC ratio of <0.7 is commonly considered diagnostic for COPD. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) system categorizes airflow limitation into stages. In patients with FEV₁/FVC <0.7: GOLD 1 - mild: FEV₁ ≥80% predicted.

    How do you score a pulmonary embolism? ›

    1. clinical signs and symptoms of DVT = 3.
    2. an alternative diagnosis is less likely than PE = 3.
    3. heart rate more than 100 = 1.5.
    4. immobilization for 3 or more consecutive days or surgery in the previous 4 weeks = 1.5.
    5. previous objectively diagnosed PE or DVT = 1.5.
    6. hemoptysis = 1.
    Jun 13, 2019

    What is the scale for pulmonary embolism? ›

    ≤ 65: Class I, Very Low Risk. 66-85: Class II, Low Risk. 86-105: Class III, Intermediate Risk. 106-125: Class IV, High Risk.

    How to interpret a lung perfusion scan? ›

    Interpretation of scans is based on determining whether the perfusion scan defects correspond to the anatomic segments or sub- segments of the lung. The size and number of segmental defects are used to estimate the likelihood that the defects are due to PE.

    How can I improve my VQ matching? ›

    V/Q mismatch treatment options
    1. Bronchodilators. Bronchodilators are a type of medication to improve breathing. ...
    2. Inhaled corticosteroids. Your doctor might prescribe an inhaled steroid to help improve lung function. ...
    3. Oxygen therapy. ...
    4. Oral steroids. ...
    5. Antibiotics. ...
    6. Pulmonary rehabilitation therapy. ...
    7. Blood thinners. ...
    8. Surgery.
    Oct 26, 2018

    What is hypoxia drive? ›

    Central and Peripheral Chemoreceptors

    The peripheral chemo receptors are sensitive to the levels of oxygen in the body. They will send a signal to breathe when the partial pressure of oxygen begins to fall. This is referred to as the hypoxic drive but this drive has a much more minor role in breathing.

    What is type one respiratory failure? ›

    Type 1 respiratory failure occurs when the respiratory system cannot adequately provide oxygen to the body, leading to hypoxemia. Type 2 respiratory failure occurs when the respiratory system cannot sufficiently remove carbon dioxide from the body, leading to hypercapnia.

    What is a good VQ ratio? ›

    Normal V/Q Values and V/Q Ratios

    A normal Q (perfusion)value is around 5 L /minute. Therefore, the Normal V/Q ratio is 4/5 or 0.8. When the V/Q is > 0.8, it means ventilation exceeds perfusion. Blood clots, heart failure, emphysema, or damage to the pulmonary capillaries may cause this.

    What is considered a VQ? ›

    Nissan's VQ refers to a family of V6 engines with displacements varying from 2.0L to 4.0L. Each variant is a versatile powerhouse engine that you'll find in a number of Nissan and Infiniti vehicles, but the most famous version is the one under the hood of the Infiniti G35 Sedan.

    What is VQ of the lungs? ›

    What is a VQ scan? A VQ scan is a two-part, noninvasive test. It takes pictures of your lungs to measure their airflow and blood flow. Providers usually use it to diagnose a blood clot in your lungs.

    What is a normal lung expansion ratio? ›

    Normal findings of spirometry are an FEV1/FVC ratio of greater than 0.70 and both FEV1 and FVC above 80% of the predicted value. If lung volumes are performed, TLC above 80% of the predictive value is normal. Diffusion capacity above 75% of the predicted value is also considered normal.

    What is a good lung heart ratio? ›

    The mean lung/heart ratio on an anterior planar image was 0.40 for all patients; therefore <0.40 was arbitrarily defined as normal.

    What is normal lung volume results? ›

    Average values in healthy patients aged 20-60 range from 5.5 to 4.75 liters in males and from 3.75 to 3.25 liters in females. This parameter measures the amount, or volume, exhaled by a patient in the first second of the expiration after a full inspiration.

    What is the lung volume ratio? ›

    The normal adult value is 1900-3300ml. It is the volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximal exhalation. Normal adult value is averaged at 1200ml(20‐25 ml/kg) .It is indirectly measured from summation of FRC and ERV and cannot be measured by spirometry.


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