Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2more

Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog (1) Medically reviewed byDr Rajeev Singh

Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: Jun 6, 2024

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Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • Maca root is a traditional Peruvian superfood with potential health benefits, particularly for females.
  • It is supposed to promote hormonal balance, improving libido, fertility, and menopause symptoms.
  • Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids supporting overall women’s health.
  • Potential benefits on cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and skin health.
  • There are some precautions and possible side effects to consider and always consult a doctor before starting maca root supplementation.


Maca root is gaining popularity as a natural way to better women’s health. Its origins trace back to the lofty Andes mountains in Peru where locals have consumed it for ages to mend various health concerns.

In this article, we’re going to delve deeper into how maca root may benefit females. From ramping up libido and fertility to reducing menopausal symptoms. We’ll also shine a light on its nutritional value, the best methods to add it to your diet, potential side effects, and the steps to find the right dose for you. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.

Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog (3)

What is Maca Root?

Origin and history

Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness - PharmEasy Blog (4)Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) is a native of the Andes region in Peru, here, it grows 13,000 feet above sea level. Outlasting harsh weather, it thrives where very few crops would dare. The use of maca root goes back about 2,000 years. Till today, it’s used in traditional medicine and forms a significant part of the Andean diet.

Traditional uses in Peruvian culture

It’s believed that maca root is a strong desire stimulator. It was mainly used to boost fertility, endurance, and vigor in the past. Even Incan warriors ate maca prior to battles to enhance their strength and stamina.

Nutritional profile

The nutrition that maca root brings to the table is huge, making it a worthy addition to any diet.

Vitamins and minerals

Maca root is full of essential vitamins and minerals, which are as follows.

Essential amino acids

Maca root is also an excellent pick for much-needed amino acids, and protein. It holds all nine crucial amino acids, which are as follows.

  • Isoleucine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
VitaminsVitamin C, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B2(Riboflavin) Vitamin B3(Niacin), Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Minerals Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Calcium

Potential Benefits of Maca Root for Females

1. Boosting libido and sexual function

Maca root has earned a lot of praise for its potential positive effects on libido and sexual function, especially for women.

  • Impact on hormonal balance

A major merit for females is that it aids in regulating hormones. Hormones out of balance can stir up a ton of troubles ranging from irregular menstrual cycles to mood swings and decreased sexual desire. Maca root is thought to help keep estrogen and progesterone levels stable, thus improving female sexual health.

  • Addressing female sexual dysfunction

A 2015 double-blind placebo-controlled trial found maca root supplementation may largely improve sexual function and libido in women suffering from antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. This study gives promising proof of maca root’s potential to fix female sexual dysfunction.

2. Enhancing fertility

Research has also been done on maca root’s impact on fertility.

  • Influence on female reproductive system

Though direct proof of how maca root affects female fertility is lacking, the potential ability to balance out hormonal levels and increase sexual function suggests that it might indirectly help boost fertility.

  • Role of maca root in improving egg quality

In 2018, a review related to maca root recognized the plant’s historical fame for improving fertility. However, the current data says that more research is needed even though there’s some evidence to support this claim. That said, existing facts hint at maca’s potential effect on egg quality, a key factor for successful conception.

3. Alleviating menopause symptoms

Maca root’s role of balancing hormones also applies to menopause, a phase marked by ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone levels in a woman’s body.

  • Reduction in hot flashes and night sweats

Symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes and night sweats, are often blamed on these hormonal shifts. Maca root has been suggested to help relieve these harsh symptoms by promoting a stable hormone balance during menopause.

  • Managing mood swings and anxiety

Anxiety and mood swings are also usual side effects of hormonal imbalances during menopause. It’s been noted that maca root may help decrease these symptoms, providing emotional relief for many women dealing with this hard life change.

4. Improving mood and energy levels

Even beyond sexual health and fertility, maca root may be more beneficial. It’s been linked to possibly boosting mood and raising energy levels.

  • Antidepressant properties

From early studies, it seems that maca root might have antidepressant effects. A study involving postmenopausal women found a fall in anxiety and depression symptoms after taking maca root for 12 weeks. These results hint at possible mood elevating benefit to women under stress during menopause.

  • Role in reducing stress and fatigue

Maca root’s potential role in battling stress and fatigue has been researched as well. In 2016, a study found that maca root supplements could boost mood and energy levels for people living at both low and high altitudes. Though more research is required, these findings announce maca root’s potential to support physical and mental health.

To my knowledge, flavonoids found in maca root, are believed to elevate mood and reduce anxiety. According to a study involving 14 postmenopausal women, maca was found to curb depressive and anxious symptoms.Another 2015 study indicated that maca might help Chinese postmenopausal women with their depressive symptoms. However, larger studies might give more clarity about its safety with efficacy.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Other Potential Health Benefits

Aside from the benefits that are unique to females, maca root has been studied for more possible health benefits.

1. Supporting skin health

Maca root may also bring some benefits for skin health.

  • Reducing sun damage

A study in 2008 with animals found that maca root could offer some guard against UV radiation, showing its possible use in preventing sunburn and skin damage.

  • Antioxidant effects

Maca root packs natural antioxidants that may help guard the body’s cells from harmful free radicals. These antioxidant traits could also lead to better skin health by cutting down stress on the skin caused by oxidation.

  • Protecting against environmental toxins

Another benefit of maca root is for the skin. It may be able to protect the skin from environmental toxins. As a natural detox agent, maca root might help guard the skin from harm due to pollution and other bad factors from the environment.

2. Cardiovascular health

Maca root’s potential health advantages could cover heart health, with some signs suggesting a positive impact on blood pressure and heart disease risk.

  • Impact on blood pressure and heart disease risk

In 2015, a study found that maca root supplementation taken daily for 12 weeks led to a drop in blood pressure in postmenopausal Chinese women. Though more research is needed, these results suggest that maca root may support enhanced heart health by managing blood pressure.

3. Cognitive function

Maca root has also been studied for its effects on brain function.

  • Memory enhancement and learning support

Research shows that maca root might enhance learning and memory performance in mice. While these outcomes are hopeful, studies in humans are required to find out if maca root may benefit human brain function in a similar way.

Although preliminary studies have shown promising health benefits of maca root, more large-scale human studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

Advocates of maca root assert that it might aid in achieving equilibrium in oestrogen levels. Oestrogen levels fluctuate and may result in a range of symptoms throughout the perimenopause, the period of time before a woman enters menopause.According to one study, postmenopausal women who took two maca pills a day had fewer symptoms, including hot flashes and nocturnal sweats.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Use Maca Root?

Adding maca root to your diet can be easy and tasty. Here’s how you can use different forms of maca root supplements:

Different forms of maca root supplements

You can find maca root in several forms, these are as follows.

1. Powder

Maca root powder can be quickly mixed into smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods for added nutrition. It offers a nutty, earthy flavour that pairs well with many foods, making it a good choice for your recipes.

2. Capsules

If you want a handier method of maca root supplementation, capsules are a favorite pick. Just stick to the suggested dose instructions on the product package.

3. Extracts

Maca root extracts can be taken as a tincture, offering a pure form of the plant’s helpful compounds. Talk to your healthcare provider for the right dose guidelines.

Tips for incorporating maca root into your diet

Once you pick your preferred form of maca root supplement, try some of these tips for including it in your daily meals. These are as follows.

1. Smoothies and beverages

Mix maca root powder into your favourite smoothie recipes for a filling, energy-boosting drink. You can also stir it into teas, coffee, or hot chocolate for some added warmth and taste.

2. Culinary recipes

Add maca root powder to your cooking as a rare, nutrient-rich ingredient. Try including it in soups, stews, and grain dishes for more flavor and nutrition.

Side Effects and Risks

Although maca root is deemed safe for most, keep in mind some possible side effects and risks before you start using it.

Precautions and contraindications

Meet with your healthcare provider before starting maca root if you have hormone-related disorders or are taking hormone replacement therapy. Also, avoid maca root if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding due to limited research on its safety during these periods.

Interactions with medications

Even though maca root usually doesn’t interfere with most medicines, it’s always wise to talk with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you’re already on prescription medicines.

1. Hormone-sensitive conditions

Maca root may show effects similar to estrogen, so those dealing with hormone-related problems like breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids should be careful when considering maca root supplement. Always talk to your healthcare provider before you begin using maca root if you have any of these conditions.

2. Thyroid function problems

Maca root has goitrogens, things that might mess up thyroid function in sensitive people. If you’re wary about your thyroid, consult with your healthcare provider before you start using maca root supplements.

Potential side effects

While side effects from maca root are not common and usually mild, some individuals might experience the following symptoms.

  • Stomach issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Allergic reactions

If you notice any bad side effects after using maca root, stop its use and see your healthcare provider.

Dosage Recommendations

Figuring out an appropriate dose of maca root will depend on many factors such as your age, weight, and existing health issues. It’s always a good idea to discuss with your healthcare provider for personalized dose advice.

Factors affecting dosage

Things to keep in mind when selecting your maca root dose are as follows.

  • Age, weight, and current health issues
  • Form of maca root supplement (powder, capsule, or extract)

General guidelines for maca root consumption

Even though there’s no fixed dose for maca root, research hints that doses of 1.5–3 grams per day over 6 to12 weeks might be safe and work well for most people. Start with a lower dose and then slowly increase based on your healthcare provider’s guidance.


Maca root’s potential benefits have made it a prized find for women looking for natural ways to enhance their sexual health, fertility, and general well-being. Brimming with crucial nutrients, this ancient Andean gem is not only a strong desire stimulator but also a may help in aiding hormone balance, easing menopause symptoms, and spreading a spectrum of other benefits relevant to women’s health.

Even though more research is needed to fully wrap our heads around the range of benefits maca root offers, initial findings paint a hopeful image for those wanting to include a natural supplement in their daily routine. Always discuss with your doctor before incorporating it in your daily routine. Given its ease of use, versatility, and a wide spread of potential health benefits, maca root is worthy of exploration as a beneficial add-on to your path towards wellness.

Also Read: Maca Root: Unveiling Its Research-Backed Benefits and Uses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What does maca root do to a woman’s body?

Maca root may help make hormonal balance better in women, which can uplift libido, fertility, and menopausal symptoms. It could also give more common health benefits, for instance supporting heart health and brain function.

What happens if I take maca every day?

Taking maca root every day, as guided by your healthcare provider, may help enhance sexual health, balance hormones, and lift overall well-being. However, always meet with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement, as needs can vary from person to person.

Does maca root balance female hormones?

There’s some scientific proof hinting at maca root’s influence on controlling estrogen and progesterone levels in women, leading to better hormonal balance and fixing many hormonal problems. More research is needed and always consult with your doctor first.

How often should a woman take maca root?

The suggested frequency of taking maca root will depend on your personal needs and the form of the supplement you pick. Meet with a healthcare provider for personal advice on adding maca root to your day-to-day meals.


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