Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2024)

Start Mass Effect 1.

You will get gameplay choices, such as what difficulty you want to play on, what type of character you want to be (such as more combat-based or more power-based), and the backstory for your character. For the purposes of consistency for this walkthrough, I will be choosing the standard John Shepard that the game will give to you if you choose it. You of course can create a custom Shephard how you see fit, it wouldn't affect this walkthrough all too much. The next option is to choose which psychological profile (backstory) for Shepard you want. Again, choose whichever one you want, it doesn't matter.

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Next, you get to choose the Military Specialization for Shepard. This one does matter as it will make some achievements easier, but more importantly it shapes your gameplay style, although not so much as the original ME1. I personally recommend either the Vanguard or Adept for this playthrough, as it makes attacking the Geth really easily using Warp and Lift on them throughout the game, and still be combat effective with pistols and other guns. It will give you a bonus Talent to choose, pick any you fancy using.

Next is the most important option by far, the difficulty option.

There are three difficulty-related achievements related to the Legendary Edition, completing each individual game (or the same game again 3 times over) on the hardest difficulty, Insanity. If you wish to put yourself through that, you can, and it's very doable, though with some really annoying sections.

However, there is a well-known and old cheese method for the original game, and it still exists in this game as well (unless they patch it. At the time of this writing, there was a patch in June that seemingly fixed these so that the cheese method only works still for ME 1, and not ME 2 or 3. If this is the case for you, then there may still be options to do at the end of the game that may or may not work for you, or you may just be out of luck and can do the cheese method once for ME 1 and not have it work for the next two games. I will speak more on this later).

  • Insanity I

    Complete Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3 on Insanity without changing difficulty

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  • Insanity II

    Complete two games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity without changing difficulty

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  • Insanity III

    Complete all three games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity without changing difficulty

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I will be writing this using the cheese method which happens at the end of the game during the final boss fight, and I will go into more detail when we get to that point. So in that respect, go ahead and choose easy difficulty to make your playthrough of the games much more enjoyable, as I enjoy the story in Mass Effect way more than the combat in the first game.

As soon as your able to go into the settings menu, make sure auto-levelling is turned off and AutoSave is turned on.

Let's Begin!

Eden Prime

You start the game as Commander John Shepard, the main character for the trilogy. You will begin with a cutscene that introduces the base plot elements of the game, which include the mass effect drives that humanity and all species use to travel throughout the galaxy. You will be introduced to Joker, the pilot of the Normandy, along with Nihlus, a Spectre agent that is accompanying you to Eden Prime after receiving a distress call.

About dialogue: You will get dialogue choice options in your opening conversation with Joker and Kaiden. Usually, in a Bioware game, the top option is the Paragon option, and the bottom option is the Renegade option. Choosing one or the other will get you points in that direction. This will remain the same for all three games. Whenever you see a dialogue option in blue, that means you have enough Charm to peacefully convince somebody to do something. Whenever you have an option written in red, that means you have enough points in the Intimidate skill to... intimidate the person you are talking to. Both make sure you avoid combat or having to do something else in Missions and Assignments, so it might be useful to invest up to 8 points in Charm and/or Intimidate, but no more, as you gain points for them based on Paragon and Renegade actions respectively.

When you get control, you can hit Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (16) the start button to view your Journal which will always show your objectives for whatever mission you are on, your Equipment (which in ME 1 is how you change your character's armor), and the Map which is pretty useless except when you are on the citadel and on secondary worlds when you are looking for the destination. The Squad page is where you will manage upgrades for your team's abilities which you should be using frequently as soon as points become available to spend.

Go ahead and head back towards the Comm Room. You can speak to Navigator Pressly here for an optional conversation, learning about him, along with Dr. Chakwas and Corporal Jenkins to learn some more about them. During conversations, optional dialogue trees will open up on the left side for more detailed conversations if you wish to engage further with the characters.


When the option to select "Investigate" or "I'm ready to go" comes up, choose "Investigate" and then "Protheans" to get the Aliens: Extinct Races: Protheans entry in your Codex. All the other entries are obtainable in the game later right after you get control of the Normandy, this is the one that is easily missed so make sure you get this, or you will have to make a new game to get this and the others again in one playthrough.

  • Archivist

    ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries

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After the ensuing cutscenes and you get control of Shepard on Eden Prime, pause the game and check your codex to make sure you have the Prothean entry there (on my first playthrough I forgot to get this, and took me about an hour on a new save to get this and the other codex entries for the achievement, so it's important to save yourself the headache now).

You can change weapons by holding the left bumperGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (22) to pause the game and highlighting which weapon you want with the Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (23) button for each member in your squad. Pistols work well in ME 1 so I often stick with that. As soon as you start on Eden Prime, you follow the curve to the right of the gas bags to find a container with some Armor Plating, which you can select in your equipment menu. Make a habit of regularly checking if you have found better weapons, armor and upgrades, especially if you decided to play on Insanity. Continue through the path towards the trees and rocks to enter in a cutscene (poor Jenkins). Afterward, you will engage in your first fight of the game with some Geth Drones. You can use your Biotic powers on an enemy by holding the right bumperGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (24) and highlighting which ability you want and selecting with Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (25) to use for yourself and your squad (you can select abilities for each squad member at once to maximize combat efficiency).

Note: ME 1 had a bit of a weird setup compared to the other two games, but on Legendary Editon pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (26) makes you throw grenades just like the other two games. Simply make sure to press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (27) again when you want them to detonate.

Moving up the hill more, you will meet your replacement squad member, Ashley Williams, who is under attack. Eliminate the enemies and Ashley will then inform you of the situation on Eden Prime and will then accompany you for the rest of the mission. When talking to Ashley selecting the "Investigate" option can give you more info on the Geth in your codex entries.

Grab the two containers next to you for some equipment, upgrade yourself and your squad in the menu how you see fit and proceed onwards to the dig site, where another cutscene will happen, and you get to meet a new enemy, Husks. Make quick work of them by not allowing them to get too close to you and proceed onwards. You can enter the two buildings on the right for some equipment and an optional conversation with some scientists before moving on to the dig site. The hacking in ME 1 is laughing to obtain the equipment which only consists of hitting some buttons in a random order to unlock it. 2007, right?

You will next meet the main antagonist of ME 1 in another cutscene, Saren. You will quickly find out what kind of guy Saren is in the cutscene, and proceeding forward (make sure to pause and admire the awesome background work of the Reaper leaving the sky) you will encounter another fight with some Geth. Eliminate all of them and click to investigate Nihlus' body for another scene with a worker, who will tell you what he witnessed after hiding behind some crates and giving you your next objective.

Fight the Geth, heading to the right and down the ramp where you will come to a trail car that you will need to head down, defeating Geth as you go. When you reach the last car, click to proceed to the next area.

Another cutscene will happen where Saren sets a timer on some bombs for 5 minutes (never knew why he would set a timer when this is critical information he is trying to prevent anyone from knowing but ok). Your job is to defuse all 5 bombs before the timer runs out. When you regain control, turn left immediately to find your first bomb and press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (28) to start defusing it (1/4). Move up the stairs to the right and run down the walkway and the second charge will be behind some red and orange crates (2/4).

While you are tracking these down, Geth will be attacking you. Your biotics abilities will always work beautifully on the Geth in this game, so make sure you are constantly using your squad's powers on them (Lift is a favorite of mine) as most of them will count towards individual achievements as well.

Head down the long walkway on your right from this, and the third charge is behind a pillar with the E17 label on it (3/4). The final charge is at the end of the walkway, towards the exiting ramp, behind the pillar, and easily noticeable (4/4).

Once you defuse all of them, head down the ramp to run into some extra Husks and Geth here. There are some crates you can loot with Easy Decryption status to the left before activating the beacon for another cutscene littered around the area.

After the cutscene, you will complete the first mission and unlock your first achievement.

  • Distinguished Service Medal

    ME1: Complete Eden Prime

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You will have more cutscenes developing the plot of the game with Saren and Matriarch Benezia, and wake up on the Normandy to be debriefed by Captain Anderson. Once you have control, you can replenish your Medi-Gel on the right of the Med Bay before heading out. Remember this spot in the medic bay here, to replenish your Medi-Gel each time you get back to the Normandy. Make sure you speak with Ashley and Kaiden to your right to learn more about them and become familiar with who they are and how they felt about the mission on Eden Prime. You could speak to Dr. Chakwas as well to develop a rapport with her. She's not a critical character, but she does join you for all three games, and these are characters that grow on you.

Citadel Visit 1

Your first visit to the Citadel begins with a cutscene introducing Ambassador Udina talking to the Council.

M2.0: Citadel: Expose Saren

After speaking to Udina leave the office and turn left, proceeding down some stairs and open the door on the left.

Continue downstairs, passing the Embassy Receptionist behind a desk on your right and go towards the glowing Avina virtual intelligence (VI) hologram on the left. Speak to her if you want to know more about the Citadel Presidium areas, otherwise, walk to the right of Avina where you will see a Rapid Transit console a short distance ahead next to a stationary speeder; these can be used to fast travel to other locations on the Citadel once discovered. Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (33), then select Presidium Locations, Citadel Tower to go to the next destination.

Move forwards and observe Executor Pallin talking to Garrus, who will then speak with you. Move past the fountain behind Garrus, go up the stairs, continue forwards passing a small garden, then go upstairs to meet with Anderson, where a cutscene will automatically start involving the Council. This will automatically unlock the two codex entries "Aliens: Council Races: Asari (4/13)" and "Aliens: Council Races: Salarian (5/13)".

A meeting with Udina and Anderson will begin, starting main mission M2.1: Citadel: Garrus. Once Udina leaves, you can ask Anderson "Any other leads"? to let him tell you about Barla Von, which will start another optional main mission Citadel: Shadow Broker; we will ignore this one since it simply leads you to find Wrex which we will do later anyway.

Before proceeding with M2.1 we can now scan the Keepers on the Citadel to level up for the power/ability achievements and find Codex entries for the Scholar achievement; it is also a good idea to interact with various items mentioned below to gain further experience points (XP).

C1: Citadel: Scan the Keepers

Talk with the Salarian named Chorban at the foot of the stairs after the Council audience in the Citadel Tower. Select "Following the keepers?", "Let me help" then "I'm with the Alliance" to start the assignment. Also, select "Why are you doing this?" to unlock the Aliens: Non-Council Races: Keepers (6/13)" codex entry (there is another opportunity to get this).

For simplicity's sake, I will link here a video walkthrough for this quest as this is much easier doing it in one go than listing each Keeper individually.

We will now proceed with the main quest again.

M2.1: Citadel: Garrus

Travel to Chora's Den (Wards Locations). Move forward through the doorway and get rid of the two Assassin's who will immediately attack you from the left on the other side.

Proceed to the doorway at the upper left corner of this area and enter Chora's Den. Move round the bar to start a cutscene with Wrex and a Krogan Bouncer. This automatically unlocks the "Aliens: Non-Council Races: Krogan (11/13)" codex. Next, speak to Harkin on your right, choosing renegade options for some amusing banter if playing as a female. This conversation will eventually lead to you look for Garrus in Dr. Michel's Med Clinic. Leave the club and go back to the transit console, selecting Wards Locations then Med Clinic.

Open the Clinic door, starting a cutscene involving Dr. Michel and Garrus, and be prepared to eliminate the enemies in the room, using sabotage on the fire containment system and be aware of those hiding behind the crates at the back right, who can be eliminated a bit more easily with grenades. Afterward, speak to Garrus in the room and choose "Quarian?" to unlock the "Aliens: Non-Council Races: Quarians (12/13)" codex entry. Garrus will now join your squad. If you are going for his ally achievement, select him now and keep on choosing him throughout the game.

This completes the mission and starts M2.2: Citadel: Wrex. You can talk to Dr. Michel next to you to get her short backstory, and you can replenish your medi-gel using the Aid Station on the nearby wall. You should now be at an appropriate level, where for the Adept class you have a choice of either unlocking Stasis or Singularity. Regardless of what you've chosen between those two, or as a class in the beginning of the game for that matter, you can get all of the ability related achievements by ordering your squadmates to use their abilities, which we will discuss now to avoid misery further into the game. The explanation might seem long, but it's very simple.

Ability and Ally achievements

Outside the Med Clinic is a rapid transfer terminal. This one, along with a few others, actually count as targets, allowing you to get most of the ability achievements by using said Biotic abilities on the panel of the rapid transfer terminal. To avoid confusion, given how you could have decided to go for a completely different class than those suggested before, pause and go to Squad. Check to see which Biotic abilities your current squad can deploy right now and which they can learn by leveling up. The "+" (plus) symbol indicates a new ability which can be unlocked by spending points, both for Sheppard and the allies. Since you also need to complete five missions with each of the available allies, those two types of achievements are somewhat intertwined. At this point in the game you're still with Kaidan and Ashley, so you will soon unlock their Ally achievements (Sentinel Ally and Soldier Ally respectively).

Approach the aforementioned rapid transfer terminal and face it. Save the game. Now pull Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (34) once to take out your weapons and then hold Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (35) and aim at the panel. Then select the ability you want to be used with Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (36). The ability can be cast by Sheppard or an ally, it doesn't matter. As soon as the ability has been cast/used, pause and load the save you just created. In the beginning, you'll have multiple abilities to use for the achievement(s). Sheppard could use Throw and Warp for example and then you could order Kaidan to use Lift and Stasis. That's four (4) abilities. If an ability can be cast by two or all three party members, its achievement will progress faster. Once all available Abilities have been cast, load your save to skip their cooldowns. Repeat as necessary until you get all of the achievements related to abilities your squad can collectively cast at this moment.

For Kaidan and Ashley specifically, you will exhaust the ones they can use pretty quickly, since Ashley is a Soldier class character and doesn't have Biotic capabilities and Kaidan's Neural Shock doesn't seem to work on the panel and needs the Mako vehicle instead or actual organic enemies (humans and aliens, but not robotic enemies like the Geth and turrets). Proceed with the walkthrough, making damn sure to invest points in the appropriate skills to unlock the other abilities you need from these two characters and return to the spot whenever you do so. Eventually you will unlock all the achievements you can possibly unlock with these two characters, which are again Soldier Ally (Ashley), Sentinel Ally (Kaidan), as well as any ability Sheppard can cast and the ones these two can cast, aside from Neural Shock.

At this point, I very highly recommend switching Ashley with Garrus, as she hasn't anything more to offer us in terms of achievements. To switch, go to C-Sec (Wards Locations) and then take the elevator in the middle of the main room, which will take you to the Normandy. Enter it and when you come back out, you will be able to select your squad.

Make sure you level up Garrus accordingly and go to the rapid transfer terminal when you have a new ability available. At the same time, you will most probably unlock the Turian Ally achievement as well. That's the whole method. You unlock a new character, you level them up by following the guide and then using their abilities in the rapid transfer terminal. This works for all...

  • Barrier Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Barrier 25 times

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  • Warp Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Warp 25 times

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  • Lift Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Lift 25 times

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  • Throw Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Throw 25 times

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  • Singularity Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Singularity 25 times

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  • Stasis Mastery

    ME1: Use biotic Stasis 25 times

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  • Electronics Specialist

    ME1: Use Shield Overload 25 times

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...but two achievements:

  • Neural Shock Specialist

    ME1: Use Neural Shock 25 times

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  • AI Hacking Specialist

    ME1: Use AI Hacking 25 times

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Neural Shock and AI Hacking doesn't seem to work on the rapid transfer terminal and need actual targets. This doesn't have to do with who casts them, you could have picked a class that has AI Hacking, like the Engineer, but you still wouldn't be able to use this method for it. Luckily, the solutions on both achievements mention quests which are very useful to get those achievements in, so read up on them now so that you don't miss them. If you don't have Singularity, the final character to be added to our squad can cast it, so don't worry about it for now.

We now continue on.

M2.2: Citadel: Wrex

Leave the Med Clinic, go to C-Sec (Wards Locations, or from the Embassies go down the ramp behind Avina and enter the elevator on your right) and approach Wrex standing next to C-Sec officers directly ahead. He will automatically talk to you about Fist and join your squad, completing the mission. If you are going for his ally achievement, select Wrex to be in your squad now and keep on choosing him for the rest of the game.

M2.0: Citadel: Expose Saren

Return back to Chora's Den, using the Rapid Transit console behind you in between the two lifts and selecting Wards Locations, Chora's Den. After eliminating the enemies in the bar area open the door at the other end to talk some workers who are blocking the way; if you move before speaking to them they will attack. Before we enter the next room to meet Fist, who will immediately attack you along with two turrets that appear after a few seconds. Stay in cover on either side and focus on the turrets first, using any useful ability while at it. After destroying both of them, focus fire on Fist and he'll soon go down, but not out, as you'll be able to find out what's going on by speaking to him at that point. Make whichever choice you want about his fate (it's obvious which one is the Paragon one here).

As soon as the conversation is done, pick up the Optical Storage Disk (OSD) which is on the ground in this room to start the assignment "C6: Citadel: Reporter's Request" which we will complete later and optionally unlock the Wall Safe. You now have 4 minutes to rescue the Quarian, so pause the game and read ahead. Retrace your steps and exit Chora's Den, eliminating more enemies along the way.

Move past the transit console and enter the left door (the right one is locked for now) and move through the corridor bathed in red light. After a cutscene and eliminating the three Assassins, you will talk to Tali, leading to a meeting scene with Udina in his office together with Anderson. Tali will then join your squad; if you are going for the Quarian ally achievement, select Tali now and use her throughout the rest of the game.

Go to the Citadel Tower (Presidium Locations), turn around then go up the stairs to automatically start a cutscene with the Council. Congratulations, you are now a Spectre, unlocking:

  • Spectre Inductee

    ME1: Become a Spectre

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Go to C-Sec (Wards Locations) then enter the Docking Bay elevator. Speak to Ambassador Udina in front of the Normandy, completing the main Citadel mission. This will also start three other main quests: M3.0: Feros: Geth Attack, M4.0: Find Liara T'Soni and M5.0: Noveria: Geth Interest.

When Udina leaves, speak to Anderson and ask "You and Saren have a past", then "What happened?" followed by responses to let him tell his story, and this will unlock the codex entry "Aliens: Non-Council: Batarians (13/13)".

The remainder of this section will cover the other available Citadel assignments, some of which will (optionally) unlock quests on other planets. Note that these can be done at any time by returning to the Citadel, although its recommended that they be completed before finishing all three new main missions, since new assignments appear on subsequent visits to the Citadel, and there is a point of "no return" towards the game's end; if you leave it too late these quests become unavailable. Re-enter the elevator and go back down to C-Sec, and fast travel to the Embassy (Presidium Locations).

C2: Citadel: Homecoming

Speak to Samesh Bhatia next to Avina in the Embassy area. Turn around and go up the stairs, through the door, then turn left, continuing towards the door to the Lounge area, passing Executor Pallin's office on your left. Speak to Clerk Bosker who is leaning against the wall in front of you and tell him what you want him to do. Go back to Bhatia and inform him of the outcome, which ends the quest.

C3: Citadel: Asari Consort & C4: Xeltan's Complaint

Go to Presidium Locations, Consort Chambers. Before entering the... establishment, keep moving to the right, keeping the water to your right. In the vicinity, you should be able to see a Krogan statue. Avina, the Citadel's AI, has a node there. Talk to her and ask about the Rachni. This will add the Aliens: Extinct Races: Rachni entry.

Eventually you'll reach the Emporium to your left, check your map too. Go in and speak to the pink alien, using the appropriate dialogue options to get another codex entry, this time the Aliens: Non-Council: Hanar. Leave as soon as you checked your codex and ensured you got the entry.

Go back to where you were when you fast-traveled to the Consort Chambers. Enter and speak with Nelyna. As you start to leave the consort Sha'ira will let Nelyna know that she wants to meet you. Enter the Chambers and take the stairs up and to the right. Open the door and speak with Sha'ira, who will ask you to talk to General Septimus. Say "Okay/I'll see", leave Sha'ira then fast travel to Chora's Den in the Wards by using the transit terminal on your left as you exit the Consort Chambers.

Enter the Den, then proceed to the right around the bar and talk to Septimus who is sitting down left of the standing Krogan. Begin with "Sha'ira sent me", and choose right side options if you can't select the Paragon/Renegade choices. When asked about earning some extra credits, choose "Sure/Depends", then "How?/Why me?" followed by "Where to?/ All right." This will also start the assignment C4: Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint.

Proceed to the Elcor and Volus Embassy. To go there, use the transit console to go to the Embassies, then go past Avina and up the stairs to the right. Open the door and continue upwards to the right until you enter the Embassy room (passing Udina's office). Talk to Xeltan on the right, starting with "That's why I'm here". The quest ends after completing the conversation. Finishing with "Don't worry" provides +2 Paragon points, so avoid this choice if playing as a Renegade. Talk to Xeltan again after the assignment has been completed and once again ask him about the elcor, which will give you the codex entry: Aliens: Non-Council: Elcor. To the left of Xeltan is Din Korlack, a small-bodied alien. Talk to him as well, ask him about his race, which will give you the final codex entry we need for the "Archivist", Aliens: Non-Council: Volus.

Assuming you have got all of the other codex entries mentioned earlier, this will unlock

  • Archivist

    ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries

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Go back to Sha'ira selecting Presidium Locations, Consort Chambers on a fast travel console and inform her of your talk with Septimus (and optionally Xeltan). She will reward you with credits, a special trinket if you completed Xeltan's quest and some words of wisdom. Finishing with "That's it?" will make Sha'ira share an intimate moment with Shepard which has no impact on romance options.

C5: Citadel: Presidium Prophet

Fast travel to Wards Access (Presidium Locations), turn around and speak with either the C-Sec Officer or the Preaching Hanar. If you choose the Officer, say "It's not smart enough" then continue with any other dialogue options. If you choose the Hanar first, select any dialogue (right side) options.

To make the Hanar leave, select "You're breaking the law" or "This isn't the way", then choose the Renegade/Paragon options if available, then speak to the Officer to get XP and omni-gel, completing the quest.

If you want the Hanar to remain and continue preaching, select any option on the right twice when speaking to it, then speak to the Officer again. Select "Let the hanar talk" or "Leave the hanar alone", then try to persuade the Officer. When he leaves, talk to the Hanar to complete the quest.

Another alternative is to buy the required permit for 150 credits; speak to the Hanar, select "You're breaking the law" or "This isn't the way", then choose "Could I buy your permit?" then finish with "You do now" on the top right. The Hanar disappears (presumably to preach elsewhere) and talk again to the Officer to complete the quest.

C6: Citadel: Reporter's Request

Assuming you picked up the OSD from Fist's office in Chora's Den (you can go back and reenter this location), fast travel to Flux (Wards Locations) then turn around, opening the door, continuing right until you spot Emily Wong calling out to you. Alternatively, go to Markets (Wards Locations) then go right, opening the door and continue forwards. Speak to her and select "Would these help?" or "I found some disks", ending the quest and opening the way for more interactions with her later on.

C7a: Citadel: The Fan

Fast travel to Markets (Wards Locations) and move forward until you see Conrad Verner on top of the stairs, to the right of the Volus merchant named Expat. Speak with him, selecting any dialogue options and expect to meet him again the next time you're on the Citadel (which we will do after the next major quest is completed).

C8: Citadel: Doctor Michel

Fast travel to the Med Clinic (Wards Locations) and you will see Dr. Michel talking to a blackmailer, which only occurs if you have first spoken to her after recruiting Garrus. If you do not see the blackmailing scene, talk to her now, leave the Clinic, fast travel somewhere random using the nearby transit terminal, then travel back. You can then help her by selecting "I can help" followed by "I'll help you" or "I'll make the delivery".

Leave the Clinic then fast travel to Chora's Den. Turn around and open the door on your right next to the orange arrow and see Morlan immediately on your left. Say "I'm here about Dr. Michel", then speak to the Krogan that appears. Either persuade or fight the Krogan, after which you will talk to Morlan again; ask "Who's Banes?".

Open the door to the left of him and use the fast travel terminal to go back to the Med Clinic (Wards Locations). Speak to Dr. Michel again to finish the quest (ask "Banes") and obtain a permanent discount when purchasing her medical supplies.

C9: Citadel: Rita's Sister

Enter Flux (Wards Locations) and speak to Rita at the bar next to the Volus barkeeper Doran. Say "Problems?" then "It's okay. Go on" or "Just tell me!" and Rita will tell you about her sister Jenna working at Chora's Den. Select "Have you talked to C-Sec?" to start her assignment and agree to help her. When the conversation ends you can talk to Doran.

Leave Flux then fast travel to Chora's Den (Wards Locations) using the nearby transit terminal. Enter the Den and go right until you spot Jenna working behind the bar. Speak to her, then head to the exit. As you start to leave, a Turian named Chellick bumps into you and suggests you meet him. To do so, fast travel to C-Sec (Wards Locations) using the nearby transit terminal.

Move forward past the Docking Bay elevator, go up the stairs towards the right, turn left at the top then enter the second room on the left. Speak to Chellick, eventually selecting "Sure" or "All right" to find the arms dealer Jax.

Go back to the Docking Bay elevator and fast travel to Chora's Den (Wards Locations) using the nearby transit console. Turn around, enter the Lower Markets door and speak to the Krogan Jax at the other end of the room. Afterward, go back to Chellick in C-Sec (Wards Locations) and inform him of the meeting outcome, ending the quest.

Later on, you can go back and speak to Rita in Flux to let her know what happened; Jenna is located at the top of the stairs just before the Quasar machines but does not offer any other significant dialogue.

C10: Citadel: Jahleed's Fears

Fast travel to C-Sec (Wards Locations), move forwards past the Docking Bay elevator and go up the stairs that turn right. As you turn left you will see a blue-lit area with a single pink tree on your right opposite the two offices. Talk to the Volus Jahleed who is conversing with a C-Sec officer. Say "I overheard you" or "Who are you?", then "How can I help?" or "What do you need?" followed by "I'll talk to him" or "Yes. I'll help you" to start his quest.

Go back to the Docking Bay elevator and use the nearby transit console to fast travel to Chora's Den in the Wards. Turn around and open the nearby door to enter the Lower Markets. Speak with Chorban standing in front of you, selecting any dialogue options.

Since we have already scanned the Keepers the next task is to simply go back and speak to Jahleed at the same C-Sec location as before (in the Wards), which ends the quest.

C11: Citadel: Schells the Gambler

Return to Flux after starting assignment C9 Rita's Sister and you will see a gambler named Schells thrown out. Speak to him and say "What happened?" or "You cheated?", then eventually follow on with "Let me do it" to start his quest.

Enter Flux and go to the Quasar gambling machines on top of the stairs to your right. Interact with any of the machines and try to get close to 20 without going over. Do this 5 times and you will have enough data for Schells. Do it 7 times and the Flux owner Doran confiscates the device and any credits you have won.

Alternatively, you can give the device directly to Doran, who is standing at the back behind the machines next to the Flux Keeper. Let Schells know what happened (each outcome gives no morality gain), ending the quest.

C12: Citadel: Signal Tracking

Enter Flux, go upstairs and go to the Keeper behind the Quasar gambling machines. Next to the creature is a Suspicious Gambling Machine. Examine this to start the quest.

Leave Flux and use the nearby fast transit terminal to go to Wards Access (Presidium Locations). Go down the stairs in front of you, follow the path and use the elevator at the end of the corridor. Exit, go left and enter the open area on your left. Interact with the Signal Source on the upper left screen.

Turn around, go right back to the elevator and return to the Wards Access area in the Presidium by following the long corridor. Continue onward, past the trees and crossing the bridge, or use the fast travel console to go to the Financial District (Presidium Locations). Enter Barla Von's office that is nearby and investigate the Signal Source on the computer behind him.

Leave this office and enter the Emporium shop on the right. Go up the stairs past the Hanar Shopkeeper and turn right. Investigate the final Signal Source in front of you and you will start a conversation with the AI. You then need to stop its self-destruction. Interact with the terminal, then press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (82), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (83), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (84), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (85), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (86), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (87) and Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (88) to turn it off, ending the quest.

We will now initiate some quests that will involve traveling to other uncharted (UNC) star systems using the Normandy; these will automatically start if you simply travel to the appropriate uncharted worlds.

U16a: UNC: Hostile Takeover

Speak to Helena Blake who is standing opposite the Emporium in the Presidium Financial District. Choose "I'll do it" to start her quest.

U9: UNC: Unusual Readings, leads to Distress Call

Go to Ambassador Udina's office in the Presidium Embassy area and hack the computer console to the left with Easy Decryption to start this quest.

U18: UNC: Strange Transmission, leads to Major Kyle

Go to Executor Pallin's office in the Presidium Embassy area (go up the stairs to the left of the Embassy Receptionist and enter the first office on the left after opening the door) and hack an Easy Decryption terminal on the left behind the screen to start this quest.

U3a: UNC: Missing Marines

Fast travel to the Citadel Tower (Presidium Locations) and go left to speak to Rear Admiral Kahoku. Say "Problems" to begin his quest.

Assuming you talked about Banes in C8, Dr. Michel's assignment, speak with Captain Anderson (either next to the Normandy or in Udina's office), then speak to Kahoku again, asking about "Banes" followed by "Why didn't you tell me?" to get more backstory here.

U10a: UNC: Privateers

Fast travel to the Presidium Citadel Tower, turn around and speak to Garoth who is standing on top of the staircase after passing the tree and rock area ahead. Say "What's wrong?" then say "I'll do it" or "I'll see what I can do" to start his quest.

U14: UNC: Hostage

You may hear a news report when using an elevator about a hostage situation, which will automatically start this quest.

U15: UNC: Missing Survey Team

You may hear a news report when using an elevator about a missing survey team, which will automatically start this quest.


The Normandy is the ship you will use to travel to main plot planets and other uncharted worlds, and Feros is the first world we will visit since becoming Spectre.


Enter the Normandy in the Citadel Docking Bay area. If you're doing so for the first time, an interactive cutscene will begin where you can give a pep-talk to the crew. You can then speak to Joker to learn more about him. Leave the co*ckpit and go towards the Galaxy Map. Before we use this we will first talk to some crew members in order to start some progression with their personal quests. Make a habit of talking to each and every single one of them after every Mission, when you get back to the Normandy.

On either side of the Galaxy Map, you will see a door with the SR1 label with a guard standing nearby. Enter either door and go down the curved stairs. Use the elevator in front of you and talk to the Alliance Requisition Officer on your right as you exit, where he will explain the need of acquiring equipment licenses from vendors you will meet in your travels for obtaining better weapons and armor; he is the equivalent of the C-Sec Requisitions Officer.

Next turn left and talk to Garrus standing next to the Mako vehicle, choosing "You knew?" to start influencing Garrus' point of view of how to handle things; this is the first conversation required to unlock his personal quest.

To the left of Garrus is Ashley in the corner on the right inspecting weapons, where her new dialogue only relates to her rescue from Eden Prime ("How are we doing?"); "Can we talk?" offers new dialogue later. To her left are the equipment lockers of all available squad members, where you can choose their weapons and outfits. Further on the left is Wrex. Speak to him using "Personal inquiry", then select any option on the left and he will start to talk about the genophage and its effect on his people.

Next go left, passing the elevator towards a door to engineering. Here you can speak to Engineer Adams as well as Tali, where selecting left-hand dialogue options will provide encyclopedic knowledge of the Quarians and the Geth.

Go back and activate the elevator, then as you exit immediately turn right and walk along the path. The door at the end is Shepard's quarters. To the right, you will see Kaidan. Talk to him and select "Tactical appraisal" for his opinion on the last main quest ("Eden Prime"), while "Looking for personal input" offers nothing new at this time. To the right is Shepard's equipment locker.

Behind this is a door on the left leading to the Medbay where you can talk to Dr. Chakwas. Behind her is an office that will house Liara T'Soni, the Asari ally, once she joins your crew. You can replenish med-gel using the dispenser on the wall to the right of the Medbay exit. Let us now take the stairs back up to the Galaxy Map.

Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (89) to open the Galaxy Map, where you will see information about the system you are in. Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (90) to zoom out to see the system, Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (91) again to see the local cluster (nebula) and zoom out a third time to see the Milky Way. Use Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (92) to move the orange crosshair to the right and point to "Feros" in the Attican Beta cluster. Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (93) to zoom into the local cluster, then move the crosshair to the upper left system and press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (94) twice to travel to Feros.

You will now be in the Theseus solar system, and you can inspect the various planets by moving the cursor and pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (95). Some of the planets will have surveying options that will start various collectible quests which can be ignored achievement-wise. Move the cursor over to Feros and press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (96) twice to land on it. After the cutscene move towards the co*ckpit and just before reaching Joker you will see the door to the airlock on your left. Enter this and press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (97) to exit the Normandy and select your squadmates for the ally achievements.

M3.0: Feros: Geth Attack

Once you arrive at Feros, leave the airlock and turn right, where you will be greeted by a colonist. Eliminate the Geth enemies that appear both in front of you and to your right.

After moving past the crates turn left when you see your minimap being jammed. Move along the corridor and a cutscene will introduce Geth Stalkers and Sappers, which jump around and use sniping abilities. Look up at the walls and get rid of them, which will also stop the minimap jamming.

Follow the stairs up and turn right at the top where you will see Colonists. Move forwards past them and go into the corridor in front of you, passing Davin Reynolds. Open the door at the end, turn right and talk with Fai Dan, the colonist leader. A cutscene shows more Geth arriving down the corridor on the right. Get rid of these enemies then move forward, going up the stairs. More Geth appear at the top on the right.

Go up the short flight of stairs you see on your left then engage more Geth in the next area. Stand near the entrance and use the doorway as cover, taking note of flying Geth drones that appear from above, snipers in the distance and shock troopers that can fire powerful shotgun blasts. After eliminating the first wave more appear, including a Geth Destroyer, which will charge at you when it's close.

Once all enemies have been destroyed you will see a Geth ship leaving. Move further forwards and turn left to spot an Upgrade Kit and Medical Station that can be unlocked with an Easy Decryption minigame. Now retrace your steps back to the Zhu's Hope colony area, turning right and going down the stairs.

Speak to Fai Dan to the right of the open area and at least ask him "Investigate", "Operational" then "Geth in tunnels" to start his assignment F1: Feros: Geth in the Tunnels.

Turn around then go left inside the container then talk to Davin Reynolds, selecting "You need food?" to start his assignment F2: Feros: Varren Meat. The room on the right contains an Easy Decryption Terminal at the back which starts the assignment "Investigate Shipments" which leads to U13: UNC: Espionage Probe.

Exit the container using the nearby entrance and speak to May O'Connell hiding behind a generator in front of you. Select "I'll see that I can do" to start her assignment F3: Feros: Power Cells.

To the left, you will see Macha Doyle. Speak to her and select "What's wrong?" to start her assignment F4: Feros: Water Restoration. Go back to Fai Dan and reenter the stairway. When you see the short flight of stairs again, go right passing an elevator to the Prothean Skyway. Ignore this lift for now and continue on through the corridor towards the tunnels.

Go down the stairs you will see on your right and eliminate the enemies that ambush you. Continue down to reach the bottom part of the stairs and follow the corridor to enter the tunnels below Zhu's Hope.

F4: Feros: Water Restoration

Cross the first walkway then go right towards the orange glow. Enter here and eliminate the Geth enemies in the area. Before proceeding, look back to the previous entrance and open the first water valve you will see (1/3).

Turn left, go along the tunnel section and open the next valve near the entrance at the other end (2/3).

Proceed left and continue down the end of the corridor (ignore the walkway on the right for now). As you enter the next tunnel you will spot the final valve immediately on your right next to the entrance (3/3). Be careful of more Geth enemies here, including a Geth Destroyer.

You can also continue down this tunnel section then follow the corridor left where you can talk to the strange colonist named Ian Newstead, leading to a small Geth ambush appearing behind you.

F2: Feros: Varren Meat

From the third water valve, turn right and you will spot a walkway leading left. Instead of using this, turn right at the intersection to open a door.

Eliminate all of the Varren in this area, which will start to swarm you. Use lift, throw and stasis for crowd control, and beware of the alpha Varren at the top of this area who eventually joins the fight.

F3: Feros: Power Cells

At the top of the Varren den is a vehicle on fire. Interact with the front nose section to retrieve the Power Cells from the Fuel Compartment. There are also canisters nearby containing loot.

F1: Feros: Geth in the Tunnels

Leave the Varren den using the lower doorway on the right and go back to the walkway. Continue forwards to open a door. Eliminate the Geth Snipers, Drones and Shock Troopers here. Next, be prepared for a battle with three Krogan Warriors that will charge you if you get too close. Move forward and you will see them on the left. Start to engage them but move backward to goad them towards you, eliminating one Krogan at a time (since they regenerate health); you can go back to the door entrance to temporarily "pause" the fight.

Once all enemies are eliminated go into the room where you first saw the Krogan and destroy the Transmitter Tower hidden in the corner of the room by firing your weapon at it (powers are ineffective).

Retrace your steps back, cross the walkway, turn left at the intersection, and continue right into the next tunnel, taking out the Geth Destroyer and Troopers that appear. Continue forwards then turn left and go along the walkway. Go up the stairs on your right and when you reach the top go left and continue forwards, spotting the Skyway elevator on your left.

Before proceeding with the main quest, we will now go back to Zhu's Hope to hand in the above assignments, since some choices later on may make it impossible to complete these.

Facing the Skyway elevator, turn right and continue down the stairs. When you reach the open area turn right to talk to Fai Dan to hand in F1 by selecting "Stopped the Geth" (+8 paragon points).

Turn around and enter the container on the left, and speak to Davin Reynolds at the end of the corridor, selecting "The alpha male is dead" to complete F2 (+8 paragon points, +2 renegade as well for asking for a better reward).

Turn around and speak with May O'Connell behind the generator, selecting "Take a look at these" to complete F3 (+8 paragon points) and finally speak with Macha Doyle to her left to automatically complete F4 (+8 paragon points).

M3.0: Feros: Geth Attack

Go back to the Skyway elevator and use it to proceed with the main quest. As soon as the door opens eliminate the Geth Drones on the left. Enter the Mako vehicle and move forwards using Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (98) to proceed down the Skyway.

Two Geth Armatures appear, firing powerful plasma bolts towards you. Press and hold Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (99) to lift the Mako to avoid these bolts. Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (100) to fire machine gun bullets (beware of weapon overheating) and use Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (101) to fire it's more powerful, but slower, turret, using Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (102) to aim. Holding Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (103) and clicking Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (104) shows a zoomed in view of what the turret sees. Note that you will gain more XP if you don't use the Mako's weapons to take out the targets; press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (105) to exit. However, use the Mako if things get difficult, and avoid driving off the edge of the Skyway!

When not in combat, repair any damage to the Mako by pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (106) (requires omni-gel).

After eliminating these enemies proceed forwards to engage another Armature as well as Geth troopers firing rockets at you; one direct hit in close combat will mean certain death. Here you will spot a doorway along the Skyway to the right of a fire next to a makeshift barrier and some crates. You can leave the Mako here and enter the tunnel, following the path left until you spot a lone Geth and an Easy Decryption crate.

Use the Mako to go north along the Prothean Skyway, passing through a doorway and you will eventually come to a dead end with the Skyway path continuing upwards on the left. The journal will now provide an update about a mysterious signal. Before proceeding along the Skyway, we will investigate this.

Exit the Mako and go down the ramp on the left where a cutscene begins with some colonists. After talking to Ethan Jeong and Juliana Baynham, speak to Gavin Hossle working at a terminal to the left of this area. Select "Okay" or "Go on" followed by "I'll help" options and this will start his assignment F5: Feros: Data Recovery for retrieving his data.

Go back up the ramp to the Mako and take the path on the left, continuing upwards and turning left. Pass through the door and more Geth will appear, including an Armature and Rocket Troopers. When you spot the makeshift barrier you can exit the Mako and go left here into another tunnel to open containers guarded by a lone Geth.

Drive along the Skyway, optionally entering another tunnel on your right next to a stationary vehicle blocking the main path, and you will eventually engage another Geth Armature accompanied by Geth Juggernauts, which are stronger versions of the Rocket Troopers.

Continue to another double doorway and exit the Mako once you can't go further with the vehicle. Eliminate Geth Stalkers and Troopers just beyond the opening, then move up the incline. If you're feeling brave, a locked door in front of you can be opened with Easy Decryption, leading to another room where interacting with the container wakes up the nearby Geth Armature. From the top of the incline, go left towards the blue barrier and drop down into the tunnel below.

Move forwards and you will encounter Lizbeth Baynham, daughter of Juliana. Next, you will be swarmed by a dozen or so Varren; use your squad powers for crowd control. Facing Lizbeth (NE), turn around and you will spot a lamp in the distance just beyond a fire towards the SW.

Approach this and enter the door next to it. Go up the stairs and you will encounter a vexed Krogan Commander talking to a VI. Eliminate the Krogan (be careful as he can use biotic powers that will stun you temporarily) and you will then speak to the VI, changing the main quest to now deal with the Thorian.

M3.1: Feros: The Thorian

After speaking with the VI turn left towards the corridor bathed in orange light and go up the stairs. Turn right and you will spot more Geth enemies below to take out, followed by a new objective to destroy the claws of the Geth ship. Turn around from the glowing orb (interact with it to get some reactions from your squad) and move down the corridor which leads to an open area filled with several Geth enemies.

F5: Feros: Data Recovery

Facing the blue barrier go right then up the stairs. Be prepared for a battle with three Krogan that will charge you. At the end of this room is Gavin Hossle's Console. Use it to download his data, and open the locker behind it for some loot if you have Average Decryption access. Go back down the stairs to the blue barrier.

M3.1: Feros: The Thorian

Facing the blue barrier go left towards the orange-lit corridor and continue up the stairs, spotting a container in the corner that can be opened with Easy Decryption. Go left here around the corner to another open area swarming with Geth. Take the stairs on your right and eliminate more Geth that appear, including a Geth Destroyer. As you reach the next area go right towards the large white computer terminal against the wall. Activate it, toggle the 7, 11 and 13 valves on the left, then use the middle console again, destroying the barrier.

Before leaving this area we can optionally unlock some containers and terminals which start some UNC assignments; don't worry if you can't unlock these since you will automatically acquire the missions when you land on the appropriate planets. After the cutscene, go left through the open doorway and spot an Average Decryption loot crate on the right. Go back and unlock the Average Decryption Server Node in front of you to start the assignment "Investigate Samples" which leads to U8: UNC: Colony of the Dead.

Go left and you will see a Geth Terminal on the right which can be unlocked with Hard Decryption, starting the assignment "Geth Activities" which leads to U22: UNC: Geth Incursions.

Go up the stairs on the left, then turn around when you get to the other side, spotting an ExoGeni Terminal below the staircase which requires Average Decryption to start the assignment "Investigate Facility" which leads to U7: UNC: ExoGeni Facility.

From the staircase go east then turn left at the wall, follow the path around and go down the stairs towards the orange-lit area that eventually leads back to the barrier room. Go left through the new entrance revealed by the missing barrier and you will talk to Lizbeth Baynham again. Continue forwards and turn right to go down the incline, back to the Mako. Travel back along the Skyway, eliminating more Geth as you go south.

F5: Feros: Data Recovery

After Lizbeth leaves, exit the Mako and follow her down the ramp. An interactive cutscene follows where you can decide what happens to the colonists. If you want to save them then you must talk to Juliana Baynham and equip the Anti-Thorian Gas grenade upgrade she gives you (Equipment, Grenades, Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (107), select the upgrade using Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (108) then press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (109)). Don't forget to talk to Gavin Hossle standing behind a computer terminal here and say "I found your data" to complete his assignment.

M3.1: Feros: The Thorian

Go back to the Mako up the ramp and continue south along the Skyway all the way back to Zhu's Hope, eliminating more Geth in your way.

As you approach the end of the Skyway you will encounter a Thorian Creeper. Open the door and be prepared to take on a horde of Creepers that steadily wake up. Eliminate these, but use the Thorian grenades on named colonists if you want to save them; if you run out of grenades you can knock them out by either charging into them by holding Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (110) or by punching them to the ground by pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (111) when very close, which is very viable even on Insanity, especially with full shields and on lone colonists. If there are two or more bunched up behind cover, throw a grenade between them and then press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (112) to trigger the grenade and pacify them. A counter on the bottom right of the screen starts at 16 and decreases when colonists are killed, increasing Renegade points (+2 per person). Every saved colonists gives you +2 Paragon at the end of the mission. You shouldn't have any issue saving all 16 of them on Insanity, but don't sweat it if some die. Use your saves accordingly too.

Go up and enter the elevator, dealing with the nearby colonists. As you exit proceed left and go down the stairs towards Zhu's Hope, dealing with the Creepers and colonists along the way. When you reach the open area turn right and engage more enemies. Go forwards then turn left, dealing with the final batch.

Activate the Freighter Crane Controls on the nearby control panel to open the way to the Thorian and go down the new opening on the left.

Continue down the stairs then turn left at the bottom to reach the Thorian. After a cutscene deal with the Asari Clone and Thorian Creepers. Facing the Thorian, go right and eliminate more Creepers that begin to wake up. If they get too close press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (113) before they spit to make Shepard punch them to the ground. Destroy the first Thorian Neural Node (1/6) with your weapon as you pass through the first doorway.

Continue left up the stairs, dealing with another Clone (that can stun you) and more Creepers. Proceed onward, spotting an Easy Decryption Weapon Locker on your right. Turn left and destroy the next Neural Node on the right of the incline (2/6) between Levels 2 and 3.

Go up and deal with another Clone and more Creepers. At the top, you will view the Thorian and to its left another Neural Node in the distance (3/6) on Level 3. Go there and destroy it along with the nearby enemies.

Go right through the doorway, taking care of another Clone and her associates. As you approach the doorway on your left more enemies wake up; before entering, there is an Easy Decryption Medical Station on the right. Enter the doorway and look up to the left to spot the next Neural Node (4/6) between Levels 3 and 4; stand at the bottom as the nearby Creepers will start to wake up.

Follow the path up and to the right where another Clone appears. Look left and you will spot another Neural Node to destroy just below Level 4 (5/6).

Go down then follow the stairs up. Creepers appear behind you as you go up, and a Clone will arrive from the top along with her friends. Turn left when you reach the top and spot the last Neural Node in the distance on the left on Level 5 (6/6). Destroy this along with the final batch of enemies.

You then begin an important conversation with Shiala. Decide her fate at which point you will return back to Zhu's Hope, finishing this main mission and unlocking

  • Medal of Heroism

    ME1: Complete Feros

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (114)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (115)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (116)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (117)

As a reminder, if you have been changing out your characters for relevant ones, you should have some of these achievements unlocked for your squad Ally requirements:

  • Krogan Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the krogan squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (118)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (119)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (120)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (121)

  • Turian Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the turian squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (122)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (123)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (124)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (125)

  • Sentinel Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance sentinel squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (126)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (127)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (128)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (129)

  • Soldier Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance soldier squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (130)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (131)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (132)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (133)

  • Asari Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the asari squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (134)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (135)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (136)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (137)

  • Quarian Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the quarian squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (138)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (139)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (140)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (141)

Once again, Missions and Assignments count towards the 5 mission requirement for these, which is SO MUCH MORE HELPFUL in this version compared to the original game, so keep track of when you unlock these, and switch your squad as necessary are you play through the game.

Turn around after talking to the Baynham's and go back to the Normandy; continue forwards, follow the path round, proceed to the entrance in the distance on the right next to the makeshift barriers, turn left, go down the stairs, then turn right when you can do so towards the docking area with the Normandy on the left. Enter the airlock to start a cutscene with your crew along with an optional debrief with the Council.

Leave the conference room and talk with your squad members to advance their personal stories (Garrus about C-Sec, Wrex about Saren and Tali about her Pilgrimage) and you can optionally start to romance either Ashley or Kaidan depending on your gender. There will be another character you can romance, Liara, but you need to actually romance one of them for the achievement, so choose one and keep being friendly with that character every time you talk to them. Talk to Joker in the co*ckpit to get his quip about the mission, but depending on whether you talked to him before, he may not have anything new to tell you.

Go to the Galaxy Map and return back to the Citadel, first by zooming out to the Milky Way view then selecting the Serpent Nebula on the left.

If you are at least level 20 on the Classic system and about 10 or so in the Legendary one, you will receive a message from Admiral Hackett which will start the assignment U2: UNC: Rogue VI. This mission is worth doing since you will be able to choose between two Specilizations for your class at the end of it, which essentially a more powerful version of your current class. It is recommended that you now avoid leveling your character up until you have completed U2, so the more logical thing would be to complete this Assignment first, before continuing with the WT.

We will now do more missions on the Citadel.

Citadel Second Visit

Use the Galaxy Map to land on the Citadel, then proceed to the Normandy airlock to the left of Joker in the co*ckpit and select your ally achievement squad upon exit.

C13: Citadel: Snap Inspection

As you leave the Normandy, you can speak to Rear Admiral Mikhailovich here about an inspection. This assignment does not appear in your journal but will reward you with Renegade/Paragon points depending on your answers.

Enter the Docking Bay elevator behind him and go down to C-Sec.

C14: Citadel: The Fourth Estate

You will see a reporter named Khalisah Al-Jilani to the right. You can speak to her now or wait until you have done Noveria to get additional dialogue options. Choose whatever answers you want to give here, which includes a particularly renegade response.

The assignment is completed after the interview, although when you next return to the Galaxy Map on the Normandy, Admiral Hackett will mention the feedback from the Alliance, rewarding appropriate Renegade/Paragon points.

C15: Citadel: Family Matter

Use the fast travel console and go to the Financial District (Presidium Locations). Behind you, to the right, you will see a man and woman arguing. Talk with the Petrovsky's, say "That's your story" or "Why?" and offer them your advice using "Investigate", then selecting either "Let her choose" or "Get the treatment" options followed by the Paragon/Renegade answers (skill level 3 required), completing the assignment.

C16: Citadel: Planting a Bug

Assuming you have completed C6 (Reporter's Request), fast travel to the Citadel Tower (Presidium Locations), turn around and speak to Emily Wong at the foot of the stairs, offering your help.

Go back to the fast travel console and select C-Sec (Wards Locations). Move forward past the Docking Bay elevator, go up the stairs, turn left and continue up the other flight of stairs in the distance. Once in the traffic control room turn right and plant the bug to the right of the keeper.

Return to the Citadel Tower and speak again with Emily Wong, completing the assignment.

C7b: Citadel: The Fan

Fast travel to Markets (Wards Locations) and speak again to Conrad Verner at the top of the stairs in front of you, to the right of the merchant Expat. This does not update your journal but opens up another interaction with him later on.

Now return back to the Normandy, using the fast travel console to go to C-Sec (Wards Locations) and the Docking Bay elevator in front of you.


We will now start two uncharted world missions: one that is useful for weapon achievement grinding and another one for specializing your class.

U1: UNC: Lost Module

Use the Galaxy Map and select the Attican Beta cluster where the Feros icon is and travel to the Hercules system. Admiral Hackett will ask you to recover a lost probe module. Move the map cursor to the left and select Eletania, the ringed-planet. Once you land in the Mako you will unlock:

  • Medal of Exploration I

    ME1: Land on an uncharted world

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (142)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (143)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (144)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (145)

Open the map via Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (146) and move the cursor to the right and set the Downed Recon Probe marker as your destination by pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (147), then press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (148) twice to exit the menu. Travel to the probe at the back of the small mountain, following the flashing white arrow on the minimap on the bottom right of the screen, and interact with it. Now we have to hunt some space monkeys.

Open the map again and you will see four new crosses showing the locations of the Pyjack colonies: one to the south, another NE, a third N and a fourth to the NW above the debris icon. The module is located in the N icon, which you can reach by passing through the valley south of the third and fourth locations; the valley's south entrance is almost in the middle of the map. The red arrows on the map shown above gives driving directions for the Mako.

Before proceeding with the objective, you can use these areas to kill the Pyjacks, which have low health and don't fight back, in order to grind out the kill-related achievements.

1) Make a manual save near one of the monkey colonies.

2) Kill the 10 Pyjacks with the Mako's weapons there and then reload your manual save. This is quicker than driving to the other three colonies.

In order to save your achievement progress, which is linked to your gamer profile and not the chronological order of your current saved game, return back to the Normandy via the Mako (using Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (149)) to get an auto-save (say after 5 reloads, i.e. 50 kills), then reload your manual save and repeat the process; if you exit the game before saving then your progress is lost, unless of course you do this in one sitting.

You can restore lost health with medi-gel if you still need to obtain the First Aid achievement, whereby reloading your manual save will immediately reset the medi-gel quantity and cooldown. I highly suggest not farming medi-gel here by staying in the Level 1 Hazard environment, since you'll end up getting it either way through normal play. Regardless, during the course of this process, you will unlock:

  • Recruit

    Kill 250 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (150)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (151)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (152)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (153)

  • Soldier

    Kill 1,000 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (154)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (155)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (156)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (157)

  • Veteran

    Kill 2,000 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (158)

    3 guidesGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (159)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (160)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (161)

  • First Aid Specialist

    ME1: Use medi-gel 50 times

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (162)

    2 guidesGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (163)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (164)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (165)

There was a known glitch that did not record your kill count from game to game when carrying over your save file and would reset whatever your kills were at back to 0. It should be patched by now, but just in case you are concerned about this happening to you, you can sit and grind this out until you unlock all three achievements. If this sounds too boring and repetitive to you (which I don't blame you at all) there is another method we can use that is not as cumbersome at the beginning of Mass Effect 3 i can go into more detail in when we get there.

Proceed to the Pyjak Monkey Colony NNW of the probe (NE of the debris icon), using the valley entrance in the middle of the map to get there. Go up the ramp and use the door console to enter the Mine structure. Turn left and move forward through the crate area, opening containers for loot as you go. When you reach the end go through the door on the right (the one on the left has an Easy Decryption loot crate) and kill (Renegade) or search (Paragon) the Monkey at the back of the room. Manually save your game here, since you will now face a large Geth ambush.

Go back to the large cavern with the crates and engage the Geth, which includes Snipers at the back and two Destroyers that will charge you when close. Stand back in cover, use AI hacking and other tech powers if available, along with the plasma cells scattered around the area. When finished, exit the mine to end the assignment.

You can now return back to the Normandy via the Mako. However, if you have the trinket from the Consort Sha'ira after completing assignments C4 then C3, proceed to the Anomaly on the SW corner of the Map; from the initial Normandy landing position, go directly up the mountain range WNW, following the green path areas for a slightly smoother drive (its still very bumpy). Once there interact with the Prothean sphere to start a decryption minigame (with 5 quick inputs required), then select investigate to reveal an Easter Egg.

U2: UNC: Rogue VI

Assuming you have reached level 20 by now and have received the appropriate transmission from Admiral Hackett, we will now do the mission that will give you a more powerful specialization class.

Use the Galaxy Map and travel to the Local Cluster just below the bright core region. Move the Galaxy Map cursor to select Luna slightly to the upper right of Earth (just above Mercury), land, then choose your squad.

Open the Map and place a marker on the Alliance Training Ground icon on the bottom left and travel there. As you approach the mountain range due W go slightly right to go up the more gentler incline to help with the driving. You may see a downed probe that you can interact with using an Electronics minigame; press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (166) to exit the Mako.

As you drive up the incline you will eventually reach the top. In the distance, you will see three bunkers that each have two Alliance Heavy Turrets on top that will fire rockets at you. Destroy all six of these then exit the Mako and enter any of the buildings, which all have the same internal layout.

When inside, go through the door on the left. Be prepared for a battle with many Assault Drones, some of which fire rockets that can one-shot you. Open the next door, begin to move inside the room but go back into the previous corridor as the enemies start to engage so that you have more cover and limit the number of drones firing at you. Use Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (167) to position your squad out of harms way if they start to lose too much health and have no shields/barriers, and use tech powers along with AI hacking if available to help you defeat the drones. Press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (168) to use medi-gel to heal.

After, cross the room filled with containers and open the door at the other end, then proceed to the next two rooms on both the left and right of the intersection. Each room contains 4 VI Conduits, two on each side. Destroy these using your weapons (avoid standing too close to them otherwise you will receive poison damage), then retrace your steps and exit the building.

Manually save your game here and enter another building to deal with more Assault Drones as before. Cross the room with the crates and destroy the Conduits in the two rooms using your weapons, and you also need to deal with kinetic barriers that protect the Conduits and doorways.

Save, then enter the third and final building, repeating the process along with removing barriers protecting the doors. There will be many more rocket drones compared to the other two bunkers, so don't be afraid to move back into the first room and use cover as they approach you. After clearing this area manually save your game, then proceed to the other side and destroy the Conduits in the two rooms as before. Be aware that more drones will appear in the second room; stand at the intersection so that you can get into cover using the adjacent corridor if required.

When you destroy the final Conduit (the Ascii message reads "Help") you will be asked to select your specialization class; one will be more offensive, the other defensive. Choose one that fits your play style. Leave the building, enter the Mako then press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (169) to return to the Normandy, ending the assignment.


We will now proceed with the second plot planet mission since becoming Spectre.

M4.0: Find Liara T'Soni

Use the Galaxy Map to travel to Liara's Dig Site in the Artemis Tau cluster, selecting the Knossos system on the top above Sparta. Move the cursor left and land on Therum; there are also intermittent flashes in the inner (west) and outer (north) asteroid belts which you can optionally scan to start collectible assignments that have no achievements associated with them.

After landing, drive along the route, avoiding the lava flow on the left. As you turn a corner a Geth ship will appear overhead, dropping two Armatures. Eliminate these, pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (170) to jump in the Mako to avoid their plasma bolts, then proceed along the curving path round the lava pool.

Cross the narrow ridge and you will eventually see a well-defended encampment on the left. Drive right to go round the back, passing under some scaffolding. Destroy the Geth Heavy Turret here as well as the enemies a short distance ahead, which includes powerful rocket-firing Geth Destroyers and a Juggernaut. To the north is a locked gate that needs to be opened to proceed. Exit the Mako here, go into the left gate building, then activate the Gate Control after taking care of the lone Geth trooper.

Drive through the opened gateway and follow the path right (NE), eliminating two more Geth Armatures ahead. Another two lie in the far distance to the west as you turn a corner and pass over another ridge. As you turn south you will spot more enemies in the area, including Rocket Troopers and a Geth Colossus which is a much stronger version of the Armature.

After eliminating these, repair the Mako if it's damaged (glowing red sections on its icon on the bottom left of the screen) by pressing Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (171) (requires omni-gel) and go up the ramp towards the west.

Drive through the tunnel to reach an opening to the outside, destroying the rocket troopers below. Continue north then go west towards another ramp and tunnel, eliminating enemies along the way.

When your minimap gets jammed exit the Mako (make a manual save here) and go through the gap in the rocks. You will now engage a large contingent of Geth troopers including Snipers up high in the distant towers. Fight your way forwards, eventually going up the rocky path on your right that turns towards the north-west.

Manually save your game after this battle.

Move towards the three towers in the distance and a cutscene will begin showing the arrival of more enemies, including a Geth Armature. Position yourself and your squad behind the nearby creates to get into cover, then destroy all enemies, first focusing on the jumping Geth and Snipers, leaving the Armature for last, which fires powerful plasma bolts that can one-shot you. Use the area to the left under the scaffolding to flank enemies.

Proceed up the ramp and enter the structure. Move down the tunnel and engage the Geth that appear from below. Follow the walkway down and use the elevator. When you reach the bottom take care of the Geth Assault Drones that appear then use the other elevator directly ahead.

Drop down and approach the blue barrier, where an interactive cutscene with Liara will begin. After speaking to her turn around and follow the walkway to the area below, engaging more Geth enemies. Next, interact with the Mining Laser Controls, where Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (172), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (173), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (174) and Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (175) (loudly) destroys the barrier; at the back of this area inside some tents are Easy Decryption lockers.

Move east towards the opening in the floor and interact with the console ahead to use a lift. Turn around and approach Liara to start another interactive cutscene.

After going up in the elevator a Krogan Battlemaster appears along with Geth bodyguards. Say "This ruin's coming down" to make the Krogan say a well-known phrase, then proceed to eliminate him and his companions. Finish the Geth off first using tech-powers, using Stasis (if available) on the Krogan to temporarily freeze him.

After the battle you will escape the ruins and return to the Normandy, ending the quest and unlocking

  • Search and Rescue

    ME1: Locate Dr. T'soni in the Artemis Tau cluster

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (176)

    2 guidesGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (177)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (178)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (179)

You then have a debrief with your crew, and can optionally inform the Council of the mission. Now is a good time to speak again with your squad to further their personal stories, some of which start assignments. Talk to Kaidan (concerns) in the mess hall, along with Ashley (sisters) and Tali (father) in engineering.

Speak to Garrus next to the Mako and he will relate a story about Dr. Saleon while he was at C-Sec. Near the end of this conversation select "Dr. Saleon", then "Give it to me" to start his personal assignment P1: Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon.

Speak to Wrex, selecting "Personal inquiry" then "Why leave?" to get him to talk about him leaving his homeworld. Select "What about Jerrod?", then eventually "Investigate" and "Family", ending with "I'll look into it" to start his personal quest P2: Wrex: Family Armor. You need to complete this Assignment to ensure you unlock an achievement a bit further into the playthrough, but there's another way to do it and a second point much further.

For romancing Liara (located in the room at the back of the Medbay) when you first speak to her say "I was worried" or "Are you okay?" then continue to be friendly, selecting "I'd like to talk about you" to start flirting. Also choose "Investigate", "Asari culture" followed by "Rumours?" to get more codex information about Asari culture, providing XP.

Assuming you have completed two main plot missions after becoming a Spectre you will be told to speak to the Council when interacting with the Galaxy Map. Turn around and go through the door behind the wall and interact with the Comm Terminal to receive the plot mission M6.0: Virmire from the Council, as well as M7.0: Race Against Time which relates to the remainder of the main plot missions.

UNC Missions Part 2

We will now start to tackle more of the uncharted world assignments, including those of your squad mates.

U3b: UNC: Missing Marines

Use the Galaxy Map and travel to the Sparta system in the SE corner of the Artemis Tau cluster, then land on the planet Edolus on the left next to the inner asteroid belt. Joker will inform you of an automated distress beacon and when you land in the Mako drive north to the Distress Signal.

As you approach a Thresher Maw attacks. Use the Mako's weapons and press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (180) to jump over its highly damaging acidic spit attacks that bypass the shield. When it dives back underground, drive around otherwise it can appear directly from below leading to instant death.

Once you have taken care of the creature examine the marines in the area, then return to the Normandy; we will report back to Rear Admiral Kahoku on a subsequent visit to the Citadel.

U4: UNC: Lost Freighter

Travel to the Gemini Sigma cluster located SW of the Feros label on the Galaxy Map. Select the initial Ming system, then board the MSV Worthington indicated by the four blue arrows.

Use the door directly ahead then go right, passing through a maze of crates leading to another door on the other side. Enter the next room on the right and play the log on the terminal. Leave the room and go into the co*ckpit on the right, then play the next log.

Exit the co*ckpit and go into the last room on your right, interacting with the medical computer. After listening to all three logs you will be attacked by a biotic originating from the crate area.

After dealing with the biotic, go to the life support machine in the medical room and interact with it to start a discussion with your squad. Interact a second time and decide what to do, then return back to the airlock and exit to the Normandy.

U5: UNC: Dead Scientists

Go to the Kepler Verge, NW of the Feros icon on the Galaxy Map, and travel to the initial Newton system, whereby you will receive a message from Admiral Hackett, starting the assignment. Land on Ontarom and place a marker on the Underground Facility on the SE corner of the map.

Drive SE following the green path through the narrow valley. Keep driving SE near the top when you see an anomaly (Turian artifact) down below to the left. Eventually, you will see a large valley below. Follow this route and as you approach the objective you will get attacked. Drive up to the facility using the green path and eliminate the enemies that include snipers, then enter the building.

Before proceeding, save, then be prepared for a fight with a large group of mercenaries including two Krogan once you enter the large room after passing the two doors on the left. Use plasma cells in the area and go back to the previous room to funnel enemies towards you if required, using crowd control to stun enemies (stasis, singularity, throw, lift and neural shock).

Next, go through the door on the other side of the main area then turn right to start an interactive cutscene with Corporal Toombs. Decide what to do, after which you will automatically leave the building. Return to the Normandy and use the Galaxy Map to inform Hackett of the outcome, ending the assignment.

Before leaving the system you can land again and drive S, SE, S then SW up the southernmost mountain range to spot a herd of cows near the right-angled tip on the map, S of a gold mineral deposit; one of them looks a bit shifty...

P1: Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

Assuming you have spoken enough times with Garrus (in Engineering) to begin his personal quest, proceed to the Herschel system in the SW region of the Kepler Verge. Move the crosshair right towards the four blue arrows next to a planet and asteroid belt, and board the MSV Fedele, selecting the same squad for the ally achievement you are working towards (Garrus will be used at least once in all three playthroughs anyway).

Go forward through the door, then as you go right be prepared for a close-quarters fight with a horde of acid-spitting test-subject zombies in the crate maze area.

After eliminating these, reach the other end and go through the door. Open the next door on the right to start an interactive scene with Dr. Saleon. Decide his fate to end the assignment.

Afterwards, you can open various containers in the room for loot (some need the average and hard decryption skill). Go back to the airlock and return to the Normandy; you can speak to Garrus later on if he was not selected for this quest.

U6: UNC: Derelict Freighter

Go to the Maroon Sea cluster that is W of the Feros icon on the Galaxy Map and select the Caspian system just above the green region. Board the MSV Cornucopia, which has a similar internal layout as previous ships, and be prepared for close-quarters combat with Husks inside a cramped maze of crates.

When you reach the maze first go left, move forwards then immediately go left again, then turn right to spot some Husks in front of you. Go back to the entrance but this time turn right. As you go forwards spot more Husks appearing to your left as well as those approaching from the right through the gap. Enter this gap, follow the path round to the right, then continue forwards where more Husks will ambush you ahead.

Press on and be aware of more Husks that appear from the gaps on the left. Follow the path left, spotting a plasma cell on the ground. Move towards this and be prepared for more Husks arriving directly ahead and from the right; use the cell for extra damage. Go forward then turn right, leading to a door.

Open the door and enter the co*ckpit ahead; the other doors lead to some loot containers. Examine the navigation computer to end the quest, then retrace your steps back through the maze to return to the Normandy; go right, left to the end, right to the other end, right around the crate, then turn left twice to see the way out.

U7: UNC: ExoGeni Facility

Stay in the Maroon Sea cluster and select the Vostok system on the top, then land on the planet Nodacrux on the right-hand side.

Drive W then N to spot Thorian Creepers next to a structure, as well as on the upper ridge to the right next to another structure. Go back S then E to the original Mako landing point, then continue S along the green expanse with the nearby large mountain to your left. Drive around the edge of the rocky hill ahead (with taller mountains in the distance underneath the sun on your right).

Continue SE down the green valley, noticing a dip in the peaks ahead which you need to drive through; use the green areas on the left that bend upwards towards the right for a smoother drive. Drive SE through the passage then turn E, spotting a rocky green path ahead on the left. Drive up this route, turning left when the path splits into two, then turning sharply right towards the objective ahead.

Eliminate the Creepers here and enter the building. Move forwards then go left through the two doors and get ready to engage about a dozen or so Creepers. Next, enter the door at the other end then go left to begin a cutscene with ExoGeni scientists (the other room on the right has some loot crates). Decide what to do then exit the building, finishing the quest.

U8: UNC: Colony of the Dead

Stay in the Maroon Sea cluster and select the Matano system on the bottom left, then land on Chasca just above the star. After landing with the Mako, open the Map and put a marker near the three Civilian Structures on the SW part of the map, just above the debris icon.

Drive SW, turning left as you approach the jagged rocks ahead. Curve towards the right along the more smoother path, then go WNW up the rocky incline ahead, to the left of the sharper peaks. When you reach the top, drive W towards the sunset and you will eventually see a huge expanse below with the civilian structures in the distance.

Drive to the first structure on the ground, enter the building and be prepared to take out a horde of Husks in the next room inside a maze of crates, using containment cells to your advantage. After defeating them you can loot containers in the area, including an aid station at the back diagonally opposite the doorway and boxes on the second level (go up the stairs on the left then turn right at the top to the end of the landing).

Exit the building, enter the Mako and drive SE passing through the gap between the rocks, spotting more Husks and another building on the right. Enter this, which has the similar layout to the previous one, and eliminate more Husks as before. There are two aid stations on the second level on the left.

Enter the Mako again then drive SWS, passing through a narrow gap between steep rocks. Continue forwards then turn right and go up the rocky green path ahead towards the NW, spotting the last building. Get rid of the Husks outside, then enter the building.

Go through the two doors on the left and eliminate the final horde of Husks inside the cramped maze of crates. Use tech and biotic skills to keep them at bay, avoiding their electrical blast attacks.

Open the door at the other end of the room, go right (left is empty) and interact with the terminal, ending the assignment. Return back to the Normandy.

U9: UNC: Distress Call

Go to the Argus Rho cluster that is NE of the Horse Head Nebula (Noveria) and select the initial Hydra system, then land on the planet Metgos located NNW of the star.

Drive to the transponder signal directly south, following the slightly rocky path all the way. When you reach the probe a Geth ambush will appear, including two Armatures and flying rocket drones. Use the Mako to eliminate them and be aware of the level 2 heat hazard if you engage them on foot. The assignment ends when the enemies are defeated.

P2: Wrex: Family Armor

Stay in the Argus Rho cluster and go to the Pheonix system in the NW region. This area contains the Pinnacle Station DLC content. For now, we will continue on with Wrex's personal mission, so move the crosshair to the left and land on Tuntau.

Note that you do not need to get this quest from Wrex himself to start it, and he does not need to be present if you want to use other squad mates, although it's recommended to bring him along for Liara's ally achievement so that she gets full completion credit for it.

Open the map and spot a hidden structure directly S from your starting position. Go S up the incline then follow the white rocky path as you reach the top for a slightly smoother drive towards your objective. Eliminate the Pirates in the area then enter the building.

Manually save your game here before opening the door and be prepared for a tough battle with pirates, including a mini-boss named Tonn Actus.

As soon as you open the door move slightly left and immediately look up towards the balcony to spot some fuel tanks near the middle. Use Overload or Sabotage to detonate these, taking out several enemies including potentially Actus, significantly making the battle much easier. Stay in cover near the door or on the right-hand side of the room, although be aware of enemies flanking you. Use biotic powers for crowd control as well as tech abilities to weaken and disable their attacks.

Once all of the pirates have been eliminated go up the stairs on the left then enter the door on the left. Open the safe on the right-hand wall using easy decryption to retrieve Wrex's armor. If Wrex is present he will talk to you, otherwise you can present the armor to him back on the Normandy, ending the assignment.

Loot the various containers in the area then leave the building and return to the Normandy.

U10b: UNC: Privateers

Use the Galaxy Map to travel to the Horse Head Nebula. Ignore Noveria for now (we will go there soon) and instead move the crosshair upwards to select the Strenuus system. Move the cursor NE from the star towards the planet Xawin and scan the flashing point to its left, revealing the MSV Majesty. Scan this vessel, then zoom out again and land on Xawin.

Open the map and spot the mercenary camp in the NW area. Drive directly all the way there. As you approach the camp, be prepared to take out 4 Heavy Turrets (2 in the front, 2 at the back) as well as mercenary snipers, and be aware of the level 1 cold hazard if you engage them on foot.

Enter the building (save your game), then be prepared to take out a dozen or so mercenaries inside including two Krogan that will charge you when close. As you open the door, spot one enemy directly to your left. Take cover behind the nearby lower wall and engage the rest of the enemies approaching from the middle of the room, using containment cells to your advantage.

When finished, proceed up the stairs on the left and enter the left room. Search the body on the right, then leave the building and return to the Normandy.

Citadel Visit 3

Before going back to the Citadel to hand in some assignments we can resume talking to our squadmates on the Normandy since we have completed enough side quests.

Talk to Garrus and Wrex down in Engineering about the outcome of their personal quests (P1 and P2).

Now is also a good time to sell all of your unneeded equipment and upgrades you have been accumulating thus far (from killing enemies and looting containers) using the Alliance Requisition Officer standing next to Garrus.

If you still need more money, then make sure to start saving equipment from containers and enemies from now on so that you can sell them later. You should be able to reach over a million credits after completing the next main plot mission as well as some more UNC assignments.

Talk to Liara selecting "Tell me more about you" and responding with friendly replies to pursue her romantic interest. If you have also been flirting with Kaidan or Ashley up to this point, select "It's not serious" followed by "I am attracted" to start her romance. You can also continue flirting with Kaidan or Ashley (make sure to speak to them after Liara), selecting friendly responses, which opens up a relationship choice scene after completing the next main plot mission.

Now use the Galaxy Map to travel back to the Citadel in the Widow system in the Serpent Nebula, to the left of the galactic core. Exit via the airlock to the left of the co*ckpit and select your (ally achievement) squad.

U13c: UNC: Privateers

Fast travel to the Citadel Tower (Presidium Locations) and speak to Garoth directly ahead standing at the top of the stairs. Inform him what you've found out about his brother, ending the assignment.

U3c: UNC: Missing Marines

Turn around and speak to Rear Admiral Kahoku to the left of the stairs leading up to the Council audience chamber. Inform him about his soldiers, finishing with "Can I help?" to open up another quest from him later on, namely U11: UNC: Cerberus.

U17a: UNC: Asari Diplomacy

Fast travel to the Embassies (Presidium Locations), go forwards then left up the stairs past the receptionist. Open the door and then enter the lounge area on the left. Speak to Nassana at the back, sitting down left of the bar. After she explains her predicament, agree to help her, starting the assignment.

P3a: Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things (Spacer history)

If you have chosen the Spacer pre-service history then you can start this particular background quest.

Fast travel to Wards Access (Presidium Locations), then go downstairs and follow the corridor round, using the elevator at the end. When you exit turn left and notice Zabaleta standing about halfway down the corridor on the right. Speak to him, starting the assignment.

Retrace your steps and go back to the Normandy via the docking bay at C-Sec. Once inside go to the Comm Room behind the Galaxy Map and interact with the terminal. After the conversation ends return back to Zabaleta in the Wards. Either give him money or select the options on the left if you have enough Charm/Intimidate points, completing the assignment.

P3b: Citadel: Old Friends (Earthborn history)

Go to Chora's Den in the Wards and speak with Finch standing outside, where he will ask you to talk to a guard about releasing a former gang member.

Enter Chora's Den and speak to the Turian guard, either persuading him to free the gang member or warn him about Finch. If you don't or can't free the prisoner, Finch enters the Den and you need to deal with him. Either outcome finishes the assignment.

P3c: Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist history)

Shepard will receive a call from Lieutenant Girard of C-Sec when you leave the docking bay elevator, asking you to speak to a colonist survivor. Go back to the Normandy docking bay platform and speak to Girard waiting outside where he will give you a sedative to use on the colonist.

Next, approach Talitha further down the walkway towards the keeper and try to persuade her. For each successful dialogue stage you can begin to move towards her, although be aware that doing this too quickly results in the inability to use the sedative.

Decide Talitha's fate depending on your dialogue choices, then speak to Girard again to complete the assignment.

C7c: Citadel: The Fan

Talk to Conrad Verner standing at the top of the stairs in the Markets (Wards) area and let him know what you think of him, ending the assignment.

It's now time to return to the Normandy and begin the next main plot quest M5.0: Noveria.


This is the third main planet mission since becoming Spectre.

M5.0: Noveria: Geth Interest

Use the Galaxy Map and travel to Noveria in the Pax system within the Horse Head Nebula. Exit the airlock, choosing your ally achievement squad.

Follow the path on the right to start a cutscene with security personnel. Next go through the door on the left, up the stairs and you will automatically talk to Gianna Parasini, completing M5.0 and starting two new main objectives M5.1: Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan and M5.7: Noveria: Matriarch Benezia. Go down the stairs on the right and use the elevator.

N1: Noveria: Smuggling

Go forward and speak to the Hanar merchant Opold on the right. Say "You heard already?", "Smuggling", then "I'll do it" to start his assignment. If you speak with Opold again you can ask him "Who's the recipient?". Go back to the Normandy docking area via the elevator again, retrieve Opold's package on the floor outside then give it to the Hanar by selecting "Yes", ending the assignment.

M5.1: Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan

Go down the stairs opposite Opold then turn left and enter the door ahead flanked by two guards. Continue on and talk to Parasini behind the desk, selecting "Where's Anoleis?". Go round the back of the desk and enter the administrator's office to speak with him, at least selecting "Investigate" then "Benezia" to update your journal. When finished, speak again to Parasini who suggests you go visit Lorik Qui'in, starting main mission M5.2: Noveria: Lorik Qui'in.

Leave the office and re-enter the plaza area. Go right, up the single flight of stairs, then turn left and continue westward. Go right up the stairs next to the guard, then turn left at the top and use the elevator behind the wall.

N2: Noveria: Espionage

Go forwards along the corridor then speak to Mallene Calis immediately on your left. Say "Have we met?" then choose the top or bottom right side options, ending with "I'll do it", "Brief me" then "Goodbye".

Turn around and speak to Rafael Vargas standing next to a table at the other end of the room. Begin with "I'm a Spectre/marine", "I am/If price is right" then continue to persuade him with Paragon/Renegade options on the left, which get progressively harder. After 3 successful attempts, you will hear your comm signal. Return back to Calis and say "It's done" to complete the assignment.

M5.2: Noveria: Lorik Qui'in

Will tell you about a well known glitch that as existed in Mass Effect 1 since the first game came out, and it still exists in this version for unlocking the Paragon or Renegade achievement really easy. I will still list the normal general method of completing this mission, but i will include first how to do the glitch here, so you can knock out the related achievement easily. This method requires you to have at least 5 points in the Charm upgrade section.

Speak to Lorik Qui'in sitting at a table on the left side of the mezzanine area, starting with "Lorik Qui'in?" then ending with "I'm interested" or "Sounds good" to accept his request to retrieve information from his office.

Before proceeding there you can first turn off security: turn around and go up the stairs on the right, turn left at the top then continue towards the office at the end, passing the Krogan Inamorda (Opold's mercenary) along the way, and bypass the security control unit with average decryption on the wall.

Go back down to the plaza area using the elevator. Turn right, go down the stairs then approach an orange Mako sign on the right. Follow the corridor up the stairs then enter the elevator to Synthetic Insights immediately on your left; you have gone too far if you reach the Turian Lilihierax.

Eliminate the guards in the next room after a short conversation. Go up the stairs to the right of the entrance, then follow the path left towards an open-door office to the right of the windows.

Interact with Qui'in's computer, then exit and eliminate the other guards that appear after another conversation. Before leaving the area you can open an upper office door with easy decryption to the left of the stairs for some loot as well as containers at the back of the ground floor area (turn right after going down the stairs).

Leave the office via the elevator and return to Qui'in in the mezzanine area as before; go down the stairs, turn left at the exit, then continue towards the stairs in the distance. Go up, left, then enter the elevator behind the wall.

Save your game here in case you want to try different options. Before returning to Qui'in first speak with Parasini standing just in front of Vargas on the right. Agree to try to get Lorik to testify, then speak to Lorik. Choose the following options when speaking to Lorik to do the glitch: "Testify against Anoleis" / Then either the Paragon or Renegade option listed for the points you are going for. You will get +25 points for either one. Finish the conversation, then talk to Lorik again. This time pick "Matriarch Benezia" and then "Another Question," "Testify Against Anoleis", and then again pick whichever colored option you want. You can skip through the rest of the conversation and keep talking to him until your points are maxed out, and in doing so will unlock

  • Principled

    ME1: Accumulate 75% of total possible Paragon or Renegade points

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (181)

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If you feel uncomfortable using this exploit, its still easy to get this achievement the normal way, just keep selecting whatever point system you want in conversations throughout the game.

Speak to Qui'in, beginning with "Testify against Anoleis" then select the Paragon/Renegade options if available. Otherwise, give him the evidence and he will provide the access pass to leave Port Hanshan.

If you've persuaded Lorik to give evidence, then go back to Anelois' office. Either speak to Parisini and give her the evidence by selecting "I convinced Qui'in", where she will then give you the pass, or speak to Anelois, selecting "I have Lorik's evidence" to blackmail him or "Gianna is investigating you", whereby you can pick up the pass in the office after a short cutscene. For the latter option, go back to Lorik to finish his quest.

M5.1: Noveria: Leave Port Hanshan

This mission is completed when you obtain the pass using any of the above options; another possibility is to give Opold's smuggling package to Anelois instead of the merchant (quicker, but you lose significant XP if you miss Lorik's main mission as well as the espionage assignment).

M5.3: Noveria: Peak 15

From the plaza area go west towards the elevator towards Synthetic Insights. Approach Lilihierax waiting at the bottom of the stairs just ahead. Speak to him, at least selecting "Local news", "Investigate" then "Peak 15" to update your journal with this main mission. Go up the nearby stairs and enter the garage area after saying to the guard "I have a pass".

After a short cutscene, you must eliminate the Geth enemies that appear, including two Destroyers that will charge you when near; you can unlock the cannon on the nearby vehicle on the left to make the fight easier. After the battle, you can return back to the previous entrance and speak to Maeko Matsuo.

Move north towards the waiting Mako at the other end of the garage and drive it through the exit.

Drive north, following the snow path round, making sure not to drive over the edge! You eventually see a crashed vehicle ahead with some nearby loot containers. Up ahead in the distance is a Geth heavy turret along with troopers behind energy barriers; either use the Mako's cannons or eliminate them on foot for more XP (beware of the Level 1 cold hazard).

Proceed down the open tunnel, fighting rocket troopers along the way, entering the Mako for protection against the cold as well as for traveling along the route (it's not possible to walk all the way to the objective).

As you leave the first tunnel more Geth arrive at the right in the distance, including an Armature. Approach the burning wreckage (which has some loot containers) and destroy the enemies here.

Drive SE, with the cliff edge to your left, then follow the path round towards the N. Another tunnel appears on the right, with more Geth enemies as before. Drive inside the tunnel towards the NE and destroy the turret ahead as you exit. Continue E then S, spotting the large Peak 15 building in the distance. Follow the path down and all the way round, eliminating turrets as you go; hold Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (184) then click Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (185) to zoom in with the cannon.

When you finally reach the building, make a manual save, exit the Mako then enter. If you can't make a save here then carefully turn the Mako around and drive back up the mountain path slightly away from the building until the red enemy icons on the minimap disappear.

Move inside and after the main garage door opens eliminate the enemies in the room, including a rocket-firing Geth Juggernaut as well as Krogan in the distance and to the left on the raised platform. Keep near the entrance to take advantage of nearby cover. After, go up the stairs to the left, follow the passageway to the end then enter the door on the right.

Move along the corridor and enter the elevator on the left; the room on the right has some loot containers. As you exit the elevator save your game again here, then proceed into the next room and eliminate more Geth inside. A cutscene follows introducing the Rachni, which spit out toxic acid that can bypass your shields. Kill the creatures then go up the ramp and move round towards a door with an orange snowflake icon above it leading to an elevator.

As you exit and turn left, kill the approaching critters before they get too near. As you enter the room interact with the computer panel immediately on the left to power up the computer core.

Proceed towards the back of the room below the antenna icon and turn around when you reach the locked door, entering the computer core area.

Access the Memory Core using either 100 omni-gel or attempt to activate it manually to speak to the Mira VI. For the latter option you will be presented with a minigame where the objective is to move the blocks from the left to the right, and you can only move a block if there are no others above it. The solution is

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This completes the Peak 15 quest and two new main objectives now appear in your journal.

M5.4: Noveria: Landlines

Enter the door next to the computer core and use the elevator at the end to go to the roof. As you exit save your game, then be prepared to get rid of the Rachni in the next area. Open the door and stay behind cover to avoid their spit, and be aware of the fast moving critters that can explode when they get close.

After dealing with the Rachni open the landline by interacting with the computer in the central area on the left (the Mira terminal is on the right), completing the quest.

M5.5: Noveria: Reactor

Go back to the core area using the roof elevator. After passing the core proceed through the door on the left below the snowflake icon. Follow the corridor and use the elevator to reach the reactor.

When you see the minimap getting jammed, save your game here and be prepared for engaging many Geth enemies, including three Geth Destroyers and a Juggernaut that will be on the platform above you. Use the door on the right, then spot a Geth Destroyer in the distance. Go back to the other door on the left and as you open it two more Destroyers appear directly in front of you.

Proceed down the right-hand corridor again and look above and behind you to spot the Juggernaut. Alternatively, go down the left path then continue up the ramp to reach the upper level. Finish off the remaining Geth in the area (the jamming will stop), then interact with the fuel line panel at the end of the lower middle intersection/walkway, ending the quest.

Retrace your steps back to the elevator and return to the Mira core area as before. Continue south and use the elevator to go to the tram station.

M5.6: Noveria: Contamination

As you leave the elevator, take the first door on the right, spotting the Rachni through the viewport. If any of your squad has the Hard Electronics skill available then interact with the computer terminal to purge the Rachni; as you leave the room another Rachni appears from the floor behind you. Otherwise, open the other door and take care of the contamination yourself, making sure to avoid their poisonous spit.

M5.7: Noveria: Matriarch Benezia

Move forward through the left passageway, watching out for any remaining Rachni workers that quickly scuttle towards you. Eventually, you will reach the tram area. Walk past the seating area and use the tram to go to Rift Station.

Go left, move towards the doors at the other end and enter the left door next to the bed icon

Enter the elevator via the next door on the right. As you exit you will meet Captain Ventralis who will mention the Hot Labs. After conversing with him more Rachni appear; either help out or move on.

There are now two main ways to meet Benezia: fight your way through after going past the restricted area or doing additional sub-quests as part of the main plot. Doing the latter provides more quests for the ally achievement as well as providing more XP and is the mission order outlined below.

Move behind Ventralis and enter the door on the right. Follow the corridor and turn left after reaching the door above the stairs to enter an open area, spotting an Asari on the left, an Elcor merchant in the center and a Salarian doctor lying down at the back. If you move towards the restricted area and continue past the drones all guards will become hostile and various objectives become unavailable.

M5.8: Noveria: Quarantine

Use the middle door on the left to enter the medical bay, following the stairs down.

Talk to Dr. Cohen, saying "Are these people sick?", followed by "I could help" or "But you want to", then continue to ask about his work and offer to help him in order to start the quarantine mission.

Go back up the stairs and go through the door on the right back to Ventralis. Say "I want to help Dr. Cohen" then continue with the top two dialogue options to gain his permission to enter the quarantine area.

Return to the main area and enter the door to the Quarantine and Barracks section to the left of the Asari scientist.

Use the elevator at the end then follow the corridor round until you reach an open area. Go up the stairs on the left and interact with the door control, saying "I'm here to make a cure" to gain access.

Enter the room and move to the desk at the back of the room. Interact with the Make Cure icon, press Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (216) to start, then press the buttons Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (217), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (218), Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (219) and Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (220) when the blue horizontal bar is between the two arrow markers.

A cutscene then begins, leading to a fight with the intruders. Before leaving the room you can loot various containers in the surrounding area. As you leave you will speak to the Volus Han Olar. Say "Can I get into maintenance?" starting M5.9: Noveria: Rift Station.

Turn right, follow the path then use the elevator. Continue down the long corridor, then turn left to go back down to the medical bay. Speak with Dr. Cohen and mention about getting into the maintenance (back) area so that you can gain access, completing the quarantine quest.

M5.9: Noveria: Rift Station

Leave the med bay and turn right after going up the stairs, entering the Quarantine and Barracks passageway again. After using the lift, follow the path round, pass Han Olar and enter the doorway towards the Maintenance Area on the right.

Follow the icy path, taking out the Rachni soldier near the door at the other end. Continue along the walkway and enter the door below the beaker sign. Before entering the second door, it's recommended to manually save your game here.

Go forward to start an interactive cutscene with Matriarch Benezia. The battle has 3 phases and the key is to not engage Benezia directly in the center of the room but instead to take out her bodyguards (3 Asari Commandos and Geth soldiers) that appear for each wave.

Stay near the corners of the room and keep out of Benezia's direct line of sight in order to avoid her periodic stasis attack which can temporarily freeze you; staying on the walkway directly behind Benezia is another good place, although be aware of the nearby containment cells.

Initially spot the commando's coming from the stairway straight ahead or from the right, avoiding their biotic attacks.

For the second wave, 3 more commandos arrive along with Geth troopers and snipers that take up residence in the corners of the room. Near the end of this stage try to stay behind cover in the corner that is diagonally opposite the initial entrance.

The third stage follows the same pattern as the second wave, with Geth appearing in the other two corner areas. Watch out for Geth that can suddenly appear in front of you if you happen to be in the wrong corner of the room!

An interactive cutscene begins when you have defeated the three enemy waves. Benezia will then attack along with a final set of 3 Asari Commandos (that come from the room corners at the other end). After another short scene, you must then make an important decision. All I'm saying is that you will need friends later in the series, wink, wink. After choosing, you'll unlock:

  • Honorarium of Corporate Service

    ME1: Complete Noveria

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (221)

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Also, if you have been doing all of the side missions listed so far, you should be pretty close to unocking

  • Completionist

    ME1: Complete the majority of the game

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (225)

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It normally unlocks on Illos or slightly after, so keep that in mind, but you'll get it if you keep following the guide. Don't skip out on those Assignments!

M5.10: Noveria: The Hot Labs

Note that it is possible to complete Hot Labs immediately after you first meet Captain Ventralis. Doing so will make all security officers in the facility go hostile, and all other assignments and quest-giving NPCs in this area become unavailable.

After dealing with Benezia go through the door on the right, directly opposite the earlier entrance, and continue forwards.

When you reach the tram area go through the door immediately on your right and enter the elevator on the left with the flame symbol above it to go to the Hot Labs.

Speak to Tartakovsky sitting down in the middle of the room and agree to initiate the purge when the option presents itself. Pick up the purge codes slightly behind you to the right then enter the room towards the north, away from the elevator.

Manually save here, then open the Mira terminal and start with "Initiate the neutron purge", mumble something, then give the code. You now have 2 minutes to get back to the elevator.

Open the door and eliminate the dozen or so Rachni (the minimap overestimates the numbers!); it's best to stay in the Mira terminal room and destroy the creatures from there, and also be aware of the exploding workers that quickly scuttle towards you. You can make a run for the elevator but that only works on easier difficulties.

After exiting the Hot Labs elevator go right towards the tram area. Before entering the tram make a manual save here in case you want to choose different options that may present themselves very shortly.

Using the tram ends the main plot quest on Noveria, automatically starting a debriefing session with your crew aboard the Normandy. If you have been romancing Liara, agree with her point of view. You can then optionally inform the Council of the mission outcome.

If you have also been flirting with Ashley or Kaidan along with Liara up to this point you will now be asked to choose one of them (after completing 3 main plot quests after leaving the Citadel for the first time).

Agree to talk, then select "I'm sorry" to continue your relationship with Liara. "Can't I have you both?" also locks Liara as the romance option. The next top right option then allows you to say goodbye to Liara, locking Ashley or Kaidan as the romance partner. Otherwise, selecting the top choice again makes Ashley or Kaidan force the decision. Be aware that quickly skipping dialogue with Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (229) locks Liara as the romance choice.

UNC Missions Part 3

This is the third set of uncharted world missions; by the end of these you should unlock the Turian, Krogan and Quarian ally achievements.

U11: UNC: Cerberus

Use the Galaxy Map to travel to the Voyager Cluster E of Feros, selecting the initial Yangtze system and land on the second inner planet Binthu to the left of Renshato.

Open the map to see the three research facilities, whose interiors are very similar to the layout of the Luna rogue VI bases.

Drive to the first one directly south and take care of the two heavy turrets on top of the building. Go inside and eliminate the Cerberus scientists and commandos that use biotics and immunity, and open the diagnostic station to drop the barrier force field to release the trapped Rachni.

Once all have been defeated (a message will pop up) leave the base and drive to the next one towards the NE; first drive north then go NE between the two hills on your right. This has the same layout and enemies as the previous building, except the Rachni have been replaced by Creepers.

When finished here drive to the last facility to the NW, going over the gentler hills. Repeat the same steps as before, this time encountering Rachni workers that can explode. Interact with Kahoku in the middle of the room, completing the assignment.

U12: UNC: Hades' Dogs

This begins after finishing the previous assignment. Staying in the Voyager Cluster move the crosshair south and go to the Columbia system and land on Nepheron, the second inner planet to the NW next to the asteroid belt. After you land, open the map and spot the underground facility to the SW.

Drive SSE, eventually reaching a gentle incline to the right of the tall mountain. Continue on and when you see the snow-covered path towards the S go right along the purple shaded area towards the W. Continue this way, gradually turning left towards the SW. When you approach a circular-shaded snow patch notice a small valley to its left; go through this route towards the S, eventually leading to the base.

Eliminate the Cerberus soldiers then enter the building, which as the same layout as the previous Cerberus bases. Fight the enemies in the main area among the crates, then proceed to the door at the other end. The room on the right contains loot containers. Interact with terminal at the end of the left hand room, ending assignment.

After returning to the Normandy and interacting with Galaxy Map you will be contacted by someone; decide what to do then proceed to the next assignment.

U13: UNC: Espionage Probe

Remain in the Voyager Cluster and move the crosshair towards the NW and select the Amazon system. After being contacted by Hackett about a missing probe land on the first planet Agebinium and use the map to spot an alliance homing beacon to the NW.

Drive W towards the Red Giant then NW across the vast plain. Eventually you will spot a mine in the mountains towards the north. Exit the Mako then enter the mine, making a manual save.

Go down the shaft, go through the door on left, then continue on passing through a cavern filled with crates. Go forwards, then go left towards another set of doors at the back. Enter the left door, continue down the shaft and you will eventually speak to Elanos Haliat.

You now have 10 secs to interact three times with the probe in front of you: at both ends and the middle. The countdown timer pauses when you interact, and you can use either 100 omni-gel or complete a much slower decryption minigame that requires 10 successful inputs. Go back up the shaft then use the doors on the left to exit.

Continue towards the edge and spot the enemies below in an encampment, with the Mako on the left. If your Shepard is competent using Sniper abilities now is a good time to get to work. Move down the mountain and eliminate the enemies. When finished, go back to the Normandy.

U14: UNC: Hostage

Travel to the Hades Gamma cluster SE of the Feros icon and select the Farinata system at the NE edge of the nebula. Board the MSV Ontario, indicated by the 4 blue arrows, which is a ship with essentially the same layout as previous missions.

Open the door ahead, then proceed right and destroy 6 biotic enemies in cramped, close quarters combat inside the maze-like crate area within 3 mins. Open the door at the other end then turn left to start an interactive cutscene. Decide what to do, then feel free to explore the other two nearby rooms for some loot, otherwise go back to the Normandy via the airlock, ending the assignment.

U15: UNC: Missing Survey Team

Remain in the Hades Gamma cluster and travel to the Antaeus system at the southern edge of the nebula. Land on Trebin, one of the outer planets NE from the star and notice the research base towards the NE with the map.

Turn right in the Mako and drive towards the SE, then continue E along the rolling hills. When you reach the plain, drive N towards the left peak in the distance. Go up the valley incline to the NW, drive onward for a bit after going over the top, then turn right to the NE spotting buildings ahead.

Approach the two cylindrical towers and enter the northernmost structure (pointed to by the nearby vehicle), interacting with the computer console inside. Enter the Mako and drive N to the excavation site a short distance away.

Enter, make a manual save and go down the mine shaft then continue left. In the next cavern area eliminate a horde of Husks that will approach you; take cover near the crates and doorway.

After, go forwards reaching the end of the cavern, and be prepared for more Husks emerging from both doors when you get near. Use the nearby containment cells to damage them and retreat as they approach, avoiding their electrical discharges.

The assignment ends when all Husks have been eliminated. The two nearby tunnels contain some loot, otherwise return back to the Normandy.

U16b: UNC: Hostile Takeover

Remain in the Hades Gamma cluster and travel to the Dis system on the far top left. Land on Klensal that is NE of the star and spot the syndicate hideout SSW on the map.

Drive W then curve towards the S, sticking to the meandering pathway. When you see the raised plateau drive left through the gap then go right up the snowy path. As you go over the edge drive down and to the right, spotting the enemy camp around the corner. Use the Mako zoomed aim to take out the snipers in the towers, then proceed on foot, eliminating the enemies in the area. Then go up the ramp to enter the structure.

Make a manual save, proceed down the shaft then go left to fight a dozen or so enemies inside the large cavern. When its safe to do so proceed towards the other end and eliminate the Crime Boss along with any other leftovers; the door on the right contains loot. Return back to the Normandy for the second part of this assignment.

U16c: UNC: Hostile Takeover

Travel to the Gemini Sigma cluster (SW of Feros), select the Han system at the SW edge inside the green nebula and land on Mavigon, NNE of the star. Open the map and spot the syndicate hideout on the SE corner of the map.

Drive left to the NNW. As you approach the red map boundary turn left and go around the rocks, passing through the valley gap towards the SSW. After moving up the ridge turn left and travel SSE along the snowy plain. Drive slightly to the right when you see a rocky incline ahead and continue towards the SSW across the wide plain.

As you approach the mountain range (and debris icon) ahead, go left and drive SE through the valley gap. Continue along the same direction across the plain and as you get near to the red map boundary turn left and drive E.

You will then see two small mountains ahead and you need to drive up the furthest one. Use the white path sections for a slightly smoother ride, going up, right, left, right then left again in order to reach the top. Destroy the 3 heavy turrets on top of the building (beware of the level 2 cold hazard, then enter the building using the entrance on the left.

Make a manual save, then engage mercenaries in the cramped main maze area, using containment cells to your advantage and watching out for snipers at the back along with a few Krogan that can charge you.

Afterwards your journal will update and you can then enter rooms at the back for some loot. Return back to the Normandy for the final part of this assignment.

U16d: UNC: Hostile Takeover

Travel to the Horse Head Nebula (Noveria), selecting the Fortuna system NW of the head. Land on Amaranthine NW of the star and spot the engineering output at the southern end of the map.

Drive E then SE passing between the peaks. When you come to a more rocky area turn right and go WSW keeping the red-tinged mountain on your right.

After driving over the rocky ridge continue W then turn left towards the SW as you start to climb the rocks. Drive S along the plateau below, continue on through the valley in between the two large peaks with the moon in the distance on the left. After going over the rocky ridge you will see the base ahead.

Enter the building, make a manual save, then open the door to immediately talk to Helena Blake. Decide what to do, either persuading her or accepting her offer. If a fight ensues, destroy the barrier with your weapon then proceed to eliminate the enemies in the room, including snipers at the top. You can enter the area either way and loot various creates in the top level room.

When finished return to the Normandy.

U17b: UNC: Asari Diplomacy

Travel to the Artemis Tau cluster E of the Noveria label on the rightmost edge of the Galaxy Map and select the Macedon system on the bottom left. Land on the first planet Sharjila and spot the stronghold in the north area of the map.

Drive N going left around the two peaks ahead. Drive W along the plain then turn right to the NNE as you approach the foot of the large green mountain ahead, passing some more peaks on the right. Continue NNE, going over the base of the large peak on the right, then turn right towards the E around the base of the shaded double-peak, spotting the stronghold in the distance.

As you approach you will be attacked by pirate enemies both in sniper towers and on the ground. Beware of the level 1 heat warning if engaging on foot.

Enter the building, create a manual save, then open the door, approaching the low wall cover straight away. Engage the dozen or so enemies in the room, using the fuel tank at the back directly opposite the door entrance when they get near to it.

When finished, go up the left stairs, then investigate the desk inside the room on the left.

Return to the Citadel and inform Nassana in the Embassy Lounge about the mission outcome. If you can persuade her she will provide the Armali Council license for Asari mods.

U18: UNC: Major Kyle

Travel to the Hawking Eta cluster very close to the NE edge of the galactic core, and select the Century system.

When you arrive you will receive a transmission from Admiral Hackett. Move the crosshair to Klendagon NW of the star and land on the nearby moon Presrop immediately on the right, spotting the biotic compound in the SW corner of the map.

Drive towards the SW with Klendagon looming directly above you, going up the rocky slope and following the smoother areas. When you reach the top of the rocks go slightly left across the smoother features directly S. Keep along this path with the cliff edge on your left then begin to turn right towards the peak to the SW directly below Klendagon. After driving across the peak you will then see the large rocky basin below.

Approach the large rectangular building and interact with the door console. Say "I have to see Major Kyle", then select the left side options twice to persuade the cultists to provide passage; you can enter this building and they won't be hostile. Otherwise choosing "You can't keep me out!" will make them all go hostile and you can only gain access by interacting again with the door console (using either 100 omni-gel or completing a manual override minigame requiring 8 quick inputs), eliminating the cultists inside and using the terminal on the ground floor room diagonally opposite the main entrance to unlock the bunker.

Enter the bunker (low circular building) in between the tanks and proceed into the main area on the left. If you forced your way in all of the cultists are hostile, otherwise you can simply walk through the maze of crates to the other side.

Go through the double set of doors here then open the right hand door to immediately start a cutscene with Major Kyle. Choose the dialogue responses on the left hand side to reason with him. If persuaded, agree to his request using the two upper right side dialogue options, otherwise everyone will go hostile; note that after talking Shepard will be using a pistol, so change weapons if required!

Once you have dealt with the situation leave and return to the Normandy, where you will then debrief Hackett after using the Galaxy Map.

If you have been using Garrus, Wrex and Tali continuously in your squad since acquiring them during the first visit to the Citadel you should have obtained the following achievements by now:

  • Asari Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the asari squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (230)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (231)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (232)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (233)

  • Krogan Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the krogan squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (234)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (235)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (236)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (237)

  • Turian Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the turian squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (238)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (239)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (240)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (241)

  • Quarian Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the quarian squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (242)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (243)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (244)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (245)

  • Soldier Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance soldier squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (246)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (247)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (248)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (249)

  • Sentinel Ally

    ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance sentinel squad member

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (250)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (251)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (252)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (253)

UNC Missions Part 4

This is the final set of uncharted world missions.

U19: UNC: Listening Post Theta

Travel to the Styx Theta cluster directly SE of the previous Hawking Eta cluster, selecting the initial Acheron system. Land on the planet Altahe that is NNW of the star near the asteroid belt.

Drive directly SSE to the listening post. As you approach the base of two craggy peaks ahead, turn right, passing a crashed probe, then turn left towards the objective towards the SE.

Rachni soldiers emerge from the mounds in the ground as you approach them. Enter the building, which has a similar layout to the Luna VI base, and get rid of the Rachni soldiers and exploding workers. Reach the other end of the main area and open the door on the right. Open the terminal at the end of the room to complete the assignment and to get clues about Depot Sigma-23 (U21).

Before leaving the room interact with the adjacent Emergency FTL Comm immediately to the left of the previous terminal, starting the next assignment.

U20: UNC: Listening Post Alpha

Stay in the Syx Theta cluster and travel to the Erebus system at the W edge of the nebula. Land on Nepmos and note the listening post at the SE edge of the map.

Drive SE then E towards the sunset. You will then see a tabletop mountain in the distance with a smaller outcrop of rock in front of it. Drive to the right of this outcrop along the SSE direction, spotting structures in the far distance. Approach these, park the Mako next to the green generator and help the marines fight off Rachni Soldiers coming from the various mounds in all directions.

Eventually a timer appears counting down from 1 minute. Speak to Lt. Durand behind the center cover (this pauses the timer). After, turn around and interact with the generator to connect it to the Mako if you want the rocket turrets on either side to fire at the next waves of Rachni enemies that appear everywhere.

Destroy the Rachni then another 1 minute timer appears. You then face another much larger swarm. Hold the line, then speak to Durand again when all is clear and you will be updated about another objective, directly W of your position. Interact with the generator again to free the Mako if you used it to power the turrets.

Go, go, go W, passing left towards the SW around the large mound. Continue W then keep left when you see an outcrop of rocks blocking your path. Drive round this, turning right towards a mining base area to the NW. Leave the Mako and walk up the ramp to enter.

Manually save here, then go down the shaft and proceed through the 2 doors on the left into a crate-filled cavern. As you move forwards immediately spot a Rachni soldier on your right. Proceed cautiously as you move further inside, since you will not have much room to move around and more Rachni suddenly appear from the mounds in the ground in groups of two or three; use the containment cells for damage.

When you reach the other side, go left through the door and destroy the Brood Warrior that eventually appears from the leftmost mound; it can stasis you, so move back into the shaft for protection. Next go through the right door and kill the next Warrior that emerges from the right mound, completing the assignment.

Exit the mine shaft and return to the Normandy. The game may have graphics rendering lag here, in which case use the map to go back to the Normandy instead of trying to walk back to the Mako.

U21: UNC: Depot Sigma-23

Travel to the Argus Rho cluster, NE of the Noveria icon, and select the Gorgon system somewhat hidden in the southern area of the nebula. Move the crosshair right and board the unidentified space facility, which has exactly the same maze layout as the derelict freighter mission U6.

As you enter the main area there is a Rachni solider to the left and workers approach you from the right. Follow the path to the right, move towards the eastern end, turn left and continue north, then turn around the right corner and open the door.

There is some loot in the co*ckpit ahead and in the room to the right. Go into the left room and (after optionally saving your game here) open the computer terminal directly ahead. Select "Investigate", listen to at least one log entry then arm the scram charge on the right of the console. You then have 40 secs to escape through the maze filled with Rachni.

Go right, then left to the end, right to the other end, then right round the boxes, then left twice to see the exit ahead, watching out for exploding workers that quickly scuttle towards you. Then make a beeline for the airlock before time runs out.

U22: UNC: Geth Incursions

Travel to the Armstrong Nebula NNE of the Feros icon and you will receive a message from Admiral Hackett about Geth activity in the four systems in the cluster.


Select the initial Hong system and land on the second inner planet Casbin directly north of the star, where the geth outpost is located NE from the Mako's starting position.

Drive NNW through the valley pass directly ahead then curve round towards the NE following the green path. As you approach the mountain peak looming ahead turn right and drive directly E. When the minimap gets jammed follow the valley pass round to the right, eventually reaching a plateau on the top.

Destroy the Geth snipers and rocket troopers in the towers. Next, a Geth dropship appears, which can only be damaged with the Mako's cannon Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (254). It's health is indicated by the red bar on the bottom right of the screen and if you destroy any Geth troopers on the ground the ship will continually drop two or more enemies until it is defeated.

Once you have defeated the ship and the remaining Geth one of your squad mates will tell you that this area has been cleared and its time to go to the next system.


Travel to the Vamshi system NE edge of Armstrong Nebula and land on the first inner planet Maji.

Drive N, reaching a plateau at the base of the mountain ahead, then begin to go towards the NE, spotting red markers on your minimap indicating the presence of Geth turrets. Hold Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (255) then click Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (256) to zoom in with the Mako's weapon.

Drive up the mountain following the snake-like path, eliminating turrets as you go. As you approach the top your minimap gets jammed. Get rid of the Geth snipers and rocket troopers in the various towers on your left then destroy the Geth Colossus that appears, first using the Mako to damage it then finishing it off on foot.

After your team updates you about this area proceed to the next system.


Move the cursor from Vamshi back to Hong then continue along the same direction to reach Tereshkova, north of Gagarin. Land on the first inner planet Antibaar and spot the geth outpost towards the NE using the map.

Go N then turn right towards the NE when you see an orange rock icon appearing on the minimap (NW). As you approach some mountains the minimap will get jammed. Drive onwards then go up the gentle incline on your right. Pass through this small valley then look left to see the outpost, with snipers, rocket troopers and a Geth Colossus. It's a good idea to stay close to the rocks to avoid the rockets and plasma bolts.

Next a dropship appears, deploying 2 Geth Primes and more troopers. Destroy these and you can leave the planet and go to the next system.


Go to the Gagarin system directly south of Tereshkova and land on the third planet Rayingri to the west of the star.

Drive S towards the looming planet and spot the pathway up the mountain range ahead to the SSW. Follow this smoother path up the mountain, turning left towards the S. Drive right of the large mound and as you pass it spot the lights going further up the mountain to your left. Follow this path round all the way up, keeping the lights to your right, then enter building on the top, which has the similar internal layout as the Luna VI mission.

Save your game here then be prepared to engage a lot of Husks inside a cramped maze. When you reach the other side of the main area, more Husks appear as you approach the door. When these are gone, turn around back into the previous main room to fight Geth troopers that suddenly appear, including two destroyers and snipers.

Save again before leaving the building and get rid of more Geth that arrive outside, then after an update from your squad return to the Normandy to go to the final system for this assignment.


Travel to the Grissom system on the middle of the cluster, right of Gagarin. Move the crosshair to the NE towards the gas giant Notanban, then select its nearby moon Solcrum on the right.

Drive up the hill directly east then as you go over the top spot the base in the distance. Destroy the two guarding Colossi along with the rocket troopers in the towers. Primarily use the Mako here, although beware of the level 1 heat hazard if you engage them on foot.

Enter the building then make a manual save. Open the door and destroy the Geth enemies inside, which include destroyers, jumping snipers and a rocket-launching juggernaut on the upper balcony. It's a good idea to initially stay near the door to avoid getting overwhelmed and flanked, then proceed inside once you have thinned their numbers.

The assignment is complete when all enemies have been defeated.

Go into the room at the other end of the ground floor (there is nothing on the top floor) and interact with the Geth terminal using easy decryption to download data files for Tali.

P4: Tali and the Geth

Speak to Tali down in Engineering and either give her a copy of the Geth data or not, completing her personal quest.

U23: UNC: The Negotiation

This assignment is only obtained if you have 80% of the Renegade morality meter filled, or 90% Renegade if you reached 80% Paragon first; Admiral Hackett will inform you of this mission when you next interact with the Galaxy Map.

Travel to the Hades Gamma cluster (SE of the Feros icon) and select the initial Plutus system in the middle western section. Land on the 4th orbital planet called Nonuel west of the star just before the outer asteroid belt. Drive directly to the warlord's outpost to the NE, avoiding any lava flows which brings instant death.

Enter the building, make a manual save, then open the door, spotting the warlord Darius standing in the middle of the upper walkway to the left. Approach him from the ground and you will automatically start a conversation with him.

To avoid a fight, you need to continually choose Paragon options on the upper right, although you can start with two renegade responses but must apologize soon after.

Choosing a middle or lower dialogue option will start a fight with him and his bodyguards. Obviously this provides more XP compared to the peaceful solution. When the battle is over go up the stairs and open the terminal inside the room to the left when you reach the second level; this reopens the locked building exit. When you return to the Normandy Hackett will give his reaction.

U24: UNC: Besieged Base

This assignment is only obtained if you have 80% of the Paragon morality meter filled, or 90% Paragon if you reached 80% Renegade first; Admiral Hackett will inform you of this mission when you next interact with the Galaxy Map.

Travel to the Hades Gamma cluster (SE of the Feros icon) and select the Cacus system directly east from Plutus. Land on the second inner planet Chohe to the west of the star and spot the science base at the SSE edge of the map.

Drive directly SE through the wide valley, crossing over a large, flat expanse. Keep to the left of the base of the nearby mountain range on your right, then turn towards the south when you pass it. After a short distance you will spot some buildings on your right. Enter the circular base opposite the two large towers.

Make a manual save here after the game warns you about taking out the enemies without harming civilians who wander around aimlessly; it's recommended to set Squad Power Usage to Defense only if you have not already done so, otherwise they may accidentally harm the wrong people. The base has essentially the same layout as the rogue VI Luna mission.

Reach the main area after passing the two doors on the left and carefully engage the biotic fanatics within the close-quarters, cramped maze area, making sure to use powers that avoid collateral damage, e.g. only use singularity if you think it will not suck in innocent bystanders, also known as insane scientists. There are many containment cells in the area so be careful when using powers such as Overload or Sabotage, and beware of squad and enemy cross-fire taking out the scientists.

After eliminating the enemies your journal will update informing you to report back to Hackett. Return to the Normandy and interact with the Galaxy Map, ending the assignment.


This is the fourth plot planet mission since becoming Spectre.

M6.0: Virmire

Travel to the Sentry Omega cluster at the NE edge of the Galaxy Map, NW of the Armstrong Cluster, select the Hoc system and land on Virmire on the right. Note that you will not be able to return to the Normandy until this mission is completed.

Enter the Mako and drive south avoiding getting too close to the sea edge on the left (instant death). Follow the path right then left round the bend, then continue right towards the north spotting Geth drones ahead.

Follow the water left towards the west and engage more drones and troopers. As you pass under an archway there are more drones to deal with as well as a Geth Juggernaut. Drive left past the rocky outcrop then continue left, avoiding going into the sea on the right.

You then come to an area containing energy barriers. Destroy the larger contingent of Geth here, then continue driving along the water path, spotting a gateway in the distance to the west populated with Geth enemies. Drive through either gap then turn left and engage a Geth Colossus dead ahead, using the Mako's weapons to weaken it then finish it off on foot for more XP.

Continue through the narrow passageway towards an intersection that splits into left & right directions, each with 2 Armatures blocking the way. As you continue in either direction you will see more Geth Colossi. Continue ahead (left path) or turn right around the rocks (right path) towards the SW to a second gateway in the distance.

Exit the Mako and ascend the stairs on the right, eliminating Geth in the area. Reach the top floor, watch out for snipers, troopers and destroyers here, then turn left and go down the passageway towards a rotating device. Turn off the nearby AA gun power panel, then activate the gate controls to its left to open the way forwards.

Go back to the Mako and drive through the opened pathway towards the south. Turn right to see another identical gateway directly ahead. Go up the stairs again and activate the gate controls on the left as before. Drive through the now opened gates towards the north and follow the waterway until you reach the Salarian camp, avoiding the sea edge on the right.

Save the game after Joker contacts you, in case you want to try out different choices for the decisions to come shortly, then a cutscene begins, introducing Captain Kirrahe and his team.

M6.1: Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage

Speak to Wrex standing at the water's edge on the NW. If you can convince him you will unlock:

  • Charismatic

    ME1: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (257)

    1 guideGuide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (258)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (259)Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (260)

If you don't have enough Renegade/Paragon points, you can still persuade him if you obtained his family armor (P2); say "I wouldn't do this otherwise" or "We are" when the options present themselves.

If you fail to do this, there is a second chance to obtain this achievement at the end of the game.

M6.2: Virmire: Saren's Plan

After speaking to Wrex you can briefly talk to other members of your squad in the area; Cmdr Rentola standing next to Tali offers some supplies.

When you're ready speak to Captain Kirrahe in the central tent to resume the mission. Select either Kaidan or Ashley to go with the Salarians; that squad member becomes unavailable at this point in the mission. After Kirrahe's stirring speech the journal is updated with a new main mission objective as well as an assignment for helping the Salarian team.

M6.3: Virmire: Assault and V1.0: Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team

Go forwards, eliminating Geth along the way, and you will see a communications tower ahead. Go up the ramp, turn left and interact with the Triangulation Tower Geth terminal to disrupt it.

Turn around, go back down the ramp then immediately turn right passing underneath the comm tower floor. Turn left then continue forwards, passing through a gap, and you will eventually see the Satellite Uplink Tower in the distance towards the SW. Take care of the Krogan warrior and Geth enemies up the ramp and destroy the satellite above, either with weapons or a tech power.

Move W and go along the walkway that extends towards the distance. When you reach the circular area turn right and go along the walkway towards the N. At the fork go right towards the NE passing over another circular platform then continue along the narrow walkway towards the NE and destroy the fuel tanks along with the rocket drones.

Now follow either the path around towards the west or retrace your steps, going W to the research facility. Eventually you will see a circular platform with kinetic barriers along with a couple more Krogan and Geth enemies in the area. You can now either enter the door on the right (quick route), or go left then walk down to the sand area through a gap in the wall (longer route).

For the quick route, open the door on the right, follow the walkway round then interact with one of the security consoles next to the closed doors that leads to the garage area. You will be asked to either help Kirrahe's team ("They've got enough trouble") or lessen enemies for yourself ("They can handle it").

After deciding, enter the garage area and eliminate the Geth in the area. Proceed left up the short flight of stairs then open the door on the right once you have got rid of the rocket-armed destroyers. The next room contains some terminals as well as another door on the left. Open this door and proceed down the walkway into a room with an elevator that leads to the next area.

For the longer route, enter the sandy area then turn right and use easy decryption on the door below the floor. Enter the maintenance (sewer-like) area, following the passage left then right. Open the door, defeat the enemies here, then go up ramp at the end of the room on the right and interact with the security console to be presented with the same choice of aiding or abetting Kirrahe's team.

Open the nearby door and go up the stairs (there are loot containers behind the wall). Open the next door ahead then turn left, following the stairs up to another room. You can speak to the person inside the third cell, otherwise go to the north end of the room and go down the stairs on your left. Open the door and after dealing with a few enemies in the room you will find the previously mentioned elevator on the left as well as another two doors on the right.

If you proceed through the rightmost door, follow the walkway to another door at the end, then enter the next door on the right you will enter the garage area corresponding to the quick route described above.

If you want to investigate who was calling to you, go through the first door to the right of the elevator then walk down the ramp. Open the door at the bottom and interact with the cell on the far left as well as the one next to it. Return back to the elevator.

Use the elevator to go to the research lab. Eliminate the enemies in the area, including a Krogan that can sabotage your power usage.

Use the door about a third of the way down on the left then follow the path left, eventually reaching a door guarded by a few Geth. Enter the next room to automatically begin a conversation with a scientist. Decide what to do, then open the door on the other side and cross the walkway. Use the elevator, then in the next room go down either ramp and investigate the glowing comm panel.

Next, go up the ramp and you will automatically begin speaking with a holographic projection, revealing major plot points.

Leave through the door on the right and use the elevator again. Open the door on the right and continue along the walkway; beware of the Geth destroyer ahead. Enter the room where you encountered the scientist and continue on to the other door and go back outside. Proceed along the ramp that drops down on the left then open the door at the other end after taking care of the Krogan warriors blocking your way.

Open the door at the end of the short corridor then turn right, following the curved path leading northwards. As you turn left spot more enemies ahead in the distance, including Geth jumpers and more Krogan.

Continue west, spotting Geth drones above. Go up the ramp on the right and deactivate the turret controls just ahead. Geth start to appear from behind, initially from below towards the ramp then more arrive from the nearby elevator; make sure you're not caught out! Use the elevator when it's safe to do so, open the door at the other end of the corridor and engage more Geth in the trench area.

Open the blast door at the other end to enter an open flooded area, leading to a cutscene with the arrival of the Normandy.

When you regain control, go through the blast door on the right of the central pillar (the minimap will get jammed as you approach it), using the door control panel on the right side.

Destroy the Geth jumpers and 3 charging Krogan in the trench area (the jamming will stop); it's recommended to initially stay near the door until at least two of the Krogan have been killed, otherwise you can get overwhelmed with their constant charging attacks in a very tight area. Use AI hacking, singularity, stasis, lift and throw for crowd control.

Use the elevator directly ahead and as you exit create a manual save in case you want to reverse your next decision.

Turn left, then proceed up the small incline to start an interactive cutscene, where you need to make a major choice with two options, namely go to the AA tower or return back to the nuke site.

AA tower choice

If you choose to go to the AA tower, then open the door at the west end of the balcony. Enter the room, go down the stairs on the right and use the elevator. As you exit fight the Geth, leading to an interactive cutscene.

Nuke site choice

If you choose to go back to the nuke site, then reenter the previous elevator and go back to the blast door. Open it then eliminate more Geth infantry that appear from the left, including rocket-launching Geth Prime and Juggernauts (it's recommended to stay near the blast door and use the cooling tower for cover) leading to an alternative cutscene.

After either choice

During the conversation select "It's already happened!" or "You are indoctrinated" to open up a (7 skill) Paragon/Renegade dialogue choice that will be useful later on. Use nearby fuel tanks to help you in the ensuing fight if they are still available and beware of rockets coming your way. When the battle is over you will unlock

  • Council Legion of Merit

    ME1: Complete Virmire

    Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (261)

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The Normandy will leave Virmire and you will begin a debrief with your crew to take stock about the events of this incredible mission; agree with Liara (if romancing) and you can optionally inform the Council.

You can then speak to your squad mates, as well as with Joker, to get more of their reactions, and if you managed to rescue Kirrahe's team they will be in Engineering to the left of Wrex until you travel to another system.

M7.0: Race Against Time

Interact with the Galaxy Map to receive an update from Joker, leading to Shepard automatically returning to the Citadel.

Citadel Last Visit


After you have completed all of the main plot missions M3 (Feros), M4 (Liara), M5 (Noveria) and M6 (Virmire) you will automatically travel back to the Citadel when you next interact with the Galaxy Map.

M7.0: Race Against Time

A cutscene occurs with you speaking to the Council, then waiting on the Normandy where you will talk to your romantic interest (otherwise Shepard will be alone); be nice to them (at least at the end of the conversation) to continue the relationship. You will then be informed by Joker to meet Captain Anderson in Flux to discuss a way to release the Normandy from lockdown. Before we do so there are two remaining Citadel assignments we can do.

C17: Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy

Fast travel to the Med Clinic in the Wards. Move forwards and enter the main area beyond the stairs and approach the crowd. Speak to Charles Saracino then choose your responses, completing the assignment.

C18: Citadel: Negotiators Request

Continue towards Flux and speak to Elias Keeler at the foot of the stairs leading into the nightclub, where he will ask you to retrieve some stimulants from Dr. Michel. If you agree, fast travel to the Med Clinic and buy either the depressant or stimulant at the bottom of Dr. Michel's supply list. Return to Keeler and either give him one of the medicines or persuade him to change his course of action, completing the quest.

M7.0: Race Against Time

Enter Flux and before meeting Captain Anderson you can go to the dance floor on the immediate right of the entrance and watch Shepard's Shuffle by dancing with Doran. If you also bring your romantic interest, select them once, listen to their quip, then select them again to make them join in.

Approach the bar and speak with Anderson sitting down at the table to the left of the bartender Rita. Choose what you want Anderson to do then select "Ready".

Now is the time to complete any Citadel assignments still remaining in your journal, since they become unavailable once you leave in the Normandy.

Return to the docking bay and enter the Normandy to begin a cutscene. Before proceeding with the endgame we will now go through the DLC missions, since they (and all other assignments) become unavailable when you start M8.0: Ilos; the game does not allow free roaming around the Galaxy Map when you finish the story.

Bring Down the Sky Mission

Bioware put in one of the DLC missions into this version, Bring Down the Sky. It will have been active for you to complete if you wished since you obtained the Normandy as your ship, but i am listing it here now in case you havent done it yet. You must do this before going to Ilos if you wish to get all of the achievements in one playthrough, or load an earlier save.

There is no difficulty requirement for completing this DLC campaign so you can avoid playing the assignments on Hardcore or Insanity if you wish, however this particular DLC pack is helpful for the various Ally achievements.

To start the DLC, head to the Asgard system in the Exodus Cluster and land on Asteroid X57. You will then get a cut scene explaining that an asteroid is heading towards the planet Terra Nova and will hit it within four hours.

B1: X57: Bring Down the Sky

When you land you will be instructed to shut down three fusion torches in order to stop the asteroid. Before you do this head to the Transmission Tower just NW of the first torch in order to update the map with locations of three survey stations needed for the B3: X57: Missing Engineers assignment.

From the landing point turn left and drive directly N up the rocky incline then turn right towards the E when you reach the smoother path; you will see one of the torches in the distance. Follow the path E then when you reach a dip turn left and go up the steeper incline to the north. Climb up this peak, leave the Mako and repair the rotating transmitter tower, either with 50 omni-gel or a 7 input decryption minigame.

First Torch

Drive towards the first torch SE of the transmitter. As you get close six turrets emerge and will start firing at you. These turrets only reveal themselves when you are relatively close to them which can make things tricky, especially on the harder difficulties. You can either destroy them one at a time using the Mako, retreat, heal, save and repeat, fight them on foot or ignore them and rush inside (they will still be there when you leave though).

When inside you will have to deal with a group of Batarians and charging Varren that can swarm you, with snipers who can overheat your weapons (destroy the fuel dump at the back if enemies are near it). Stay near the door entrance to thin their numbers then proceed inside to deal with the rest.

Head up the stairs on the left and disable the torch, either with 25 omni-gel or another decryption minigame. You will then be contacted by Kate Bowman, after this get any loot you wish and head downstairs. As you go to leave you will get a short cutscene and meet Simon Atwell. He will give you the assignment B2: X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps as well as B3: X57: Missing Engineers if you haven't already picked it up.

B2: X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps
Second Torch

When you are outside and back in the Mako head towards the second torch; drive through the valley entrance to the west of the building then continue N then NE, spotting the torch ahead.

When you reach the ring of lights (don't drive inside!) carefully take out the three turrets, make a manual save then leave the Mako to proceed on foot to avoid setting off the blasting caps. You will notice a proximity meter on the bottom right of your screen, be cautious here as if the meter fills completely it is game over. You have to navigate carefully past the blasting caps to the front door of the second torch.

One way to get through this section is to first drive east up the slopes around the southern edge of perimeter then turn left and park the Mako at the base of the steep incline at the eastern edge, then walk up to the back of the building towards the west.

Once past the caps you will be greeted by four Batarians, two of which are armed with rockets. Deal with them, turn the blasting caps off using the console outside the entrance to complete this particular assignment, then enter the building.

Inside you will face six Batarians (one of which is an engineer on the top floor to the left) and several rocket drones near the back of the room as well as on the top floor. Use the nearby raised crate platform for cover and deploy tactics that suits your play style and character best, however targeting the engineer first helps as he overheats your weapons leaving you vulnerable.

Once the room is clear head upstairs and disable the second torch. You will then receive another message from Kate followed by a short cutscene, after this head outside and get back in the Mako (use the map to find out where you parked it).

Before proceeding to the last torch you can drive south up the mountain to find Radio shack X57 (the path is indicated by the yellow dotted arrow on the above map).

Third Torch

From the second torch drive NW through the valley incline, leading straight to the third torch ahead towards the west. There are no blasting caps this time and you just have to deal with the six turrets that appear when you approach them like the first torch. Inside the building you will find a dozen or so Batarians and Varren. Apply the same tactics as before then head upstairs once they are all dead to disable the last torch.

Go downstairs to be greeted by Charn, who has orders to kill you but you can use the left hand dialogue choices along with a charm/intimidate option to persuade him to leave. If you choose to fight be prepared for a tough battle on the harder difficulties as you will face six Varren, 11 Batarians and Charn, although you only face around six enemies in one go.

Either way after the conclusion of this encounter you will receive a pass card and location on the map for the Main Facility where the main boss Balak is located. Before proceeding there you can first find the missing engineers in order to complete this assignment for the ally achievements and gain more XP, otherwise skip to the main objective B1 described below.

B3: X57: Missing Engineers

Driving directions are indicated by the dotted pink lines in the map shown above.

From the third torch drive N through the valley towards the atmospheric glow. As you approach the map boundary go up the smoother incline on the left then continue NW, spotting the building in the distance in the area below. Exit the Mako and examine the footprints next to the shack; if you open the log inside the building you will be attacked by three flying defense drones.

Drive directly east with the map boundary to your left and as you go over the first hill you will spot the first engineer Montoya on the bottom (1/3). You can now either drive all the way back to the initial landing point of the Mako or return to the Normandy then land again.

From the Mako's landing position go SW up the smoother incline then turn right to the W, where you will then see a small building and transmitters in a small rock depression near the map boundary. Examine Mendel near the shack entrance (2/3).

Drive back to the initial landing point to the NE then follow the path east towards the first torch. When you reach the flat plateau curve right and drive towards the SE direction, going up the hills ahead. Continue down into the valley below, avoiding the map boundary on the right, then turn left and drive up the rocky path towards the NE, eventually leading to the last shack and transmitters at the top near the map edge. Head inside and examine Hymes (3/3), completing the assignment.

Return now to the third torch, retracing the route back to the SW, curving right up the incline to the west, continue towards the first torch, then follow the rest of the directions given earlier.

B1: X57: Bring Down the Sky
Main Facility

From the third torch go N through the valley towards the atmospheric glow then curve to the right and drive up the incline to the NE, following the smooth path.

Continue ESE then turn left and spot the facility to the NE. As you approach you will find six turrets outside the front door laid out in a semi circle, three of which are on tracks. To save yourself the frustration on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties just race inside the bunker; any other difficulty just keep moving and you shouldn't have much trouble taking out the turrets.

Inside, go left up the stairs and enter the large main atrium to face at least a dozen or so Batarians (more on harder difficulties), including two or more engineers and drones scattered across three floor levels. There is plenty of cover around but it's recommended to take out the engineers and drones first.

Once you have eliminated everything, head over to the opposite side of the room and enter a small portacabin on the first level (it's door will automatically open), revealing one more Batarian. Kill him then Balak will show up.

After a conversation with Balak explaining his reasons behind the attack, you are left with two choices:

a) Let him go

This is certainly advisable on the higher difficulties but you will still face defence drones whilst disarming 3 devices dotted around the main room within 3 minutes. Go up the stairs, turn left and follow the walkway around about half way and disarm the first charge inside the doorway to your right using a quick 5-input decryption minigame (1/3).

Next go left and return back to the previous staircase, go down, then continue on the left. Go down the stairs in front of you on the right onto the lower level and disarm the charge on the left next to the wall (2/3).

Go back up the previous short flight of stairs, turn left and enter the doorway. Go up the stairs, follow the corridor all the way round to the left and disarm the last charge in the far left hand corner of the room (3/3).

b) Fight and kill him

If you chose to fight then you will have to engage bodyguards, rocket drones, Varren and Balak. The Varren normally attack first directly in front of you, so focus on them, then go back to the other side of the room (first by going up the stairs then walking along the upper floor to use a higher vantage point) and destroy the drones. Then deal with the bodyguards and Balak last.

Completing either choice will unlock

  • Colonial Savior

    ME1: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.

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Simon Atwell will then speak with you; tell him what happened and choose a reward, which includes an excellent omni-tool. If you also saved the hostages then open the door next to you to release them, engaging in conversation with Kate Bowman. The DLC is now complete, so leave the building using the north entrance then return back to the Normandy.

If you have been doing all of the UNC side missions and landing on the corresponding worlds, you should have unlocked at least the second of the explored worlds achievements, but if you haven't, now is the time to do so. You don't even have to complete everything or anything on the worlds themselves, you just need to land on the world in your Mako for the world to count and can leave right after. So, if you somehow, someway haven't unlocked

  • Medal of Exploration II

    ME1: Land on 4 uncharted worlds

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  • Medal of Exploration III

    ME1: Land on 8 uncharted worlds

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here is a link to a google document page I found very helpful if you need to see what planets you can actually land on.


This mission marks the start of the endgame in which you not be able to go back and finish off remaining assignments, including the DLC content. Finish these before proceeding!

M8.0: Ilos: Find The Conduit

Travel to the Pangaea Expanse just NE of the Galactic core, select the Refuge system and land on the planet Ilos to the SW of the star.

If you have been romancing Liara, Ashley or Kaidan a cutscene with them will begin. Agree to spend the night with them, unlocking

  • Paramour I

    Establish a romantic relationship in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

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After more cutscenes you will land on Ilos and when you gain control of Shepard you will be facing a locked door. Turn around, ignore the Mako and go through the gap, eliminating Geth in the area. Beware of two Geth Armatures to the left that wake up as you approach them; a direct hit from one of them can one-shot you. Use hacking, lift, stasis and singularity to temporarily stop their attacks.

Alternatively, go right all the way down the stairs and after destroying the Geth jumpers in the area on the left, go right and use the hard decryption control panel to the left of a circle of statues in order to disable the Armatures.

Facing the previous control panel turn right then keeping to the right go up the winding path directly ahead. When you reach the top (with statues on the left), turn right to get back to the location of the now inert Geth Armatures, spotting a loot crate on your left.

From the loot crate, go along the west path, passing statues on either side, then turn left and follow the route round the corner. Walk east past the lone statue, pass another one, then turn right and go up the incline. After going through the gap engage the Geth enemies that appear below and to the left (towards the south).

Go down the incline towards the south. As you pass the statue on your right you can use the elevator on the left to go up to the higher ledge for an average decryption loot crate; use the elevator again to go back down.

Facing the statue, go left up the incline then turn right and fight Geth jumpers that appear (the minimap will get jammed). Once these have been dealt with use the elevator towards the west. As you exit this, make a manual save in preparation for the battle ahead.

Turn right and go north along the passageway towards the statue, leading to an open area swarming with Geth enemies, including a Geth Prime that can sabotage your powers (excluding adrenaline burst). Use the ramp on either side to reach an elevated vantage point and optionally interact with the hard decryption Armature Repair Stations a short distance ahead to the left (two) and right (one) to get three Armatures to help you out!

Next, continue N towards a windowless structure. Before proceeding down the central corridor on the ground level, go left or right towards the N wall, then go up the incline and interact with the security panel on the right when you reach the top of the ramp, starting an interactive cutscene and unlocking the way forward.

Go back down and proceed into the central corridor referred to earlier towards the N, then use the elevator at the end on the right, returning you back to the area where the Mako is located. Go left towards the north, pass the gap, then drive onwards in the Mako.

Drive N along the long tunnel, where your squad mates will comment on your surroundings. Eventually as you drive on you will encounter Geth. Continue until you reach a barrier blocking the way. Leave the Mako and enter the nearby elevator on the right. Speak to Vigil ahead, who provides critical plot points.

M8.1: Race Against Time: Conduit

Go back to the elevator and drive towards the N again using the Mako. Get rid of the Geth rocket troopers that lie in wait at the opening ahead, then turn left and follow the canal/trench route below. As you drive down a steep incline more Geth appear at the bottom, including a Colossus as you turn the corner.

Drive through the entrance and continue east. As you go round another corner more rocket troopers appear. Follow the route south, engaging more rocket troopers, then turn left towards the east.

You will eventually reach the top of a steep incline. Stop the Mako here, use omni-gel to fully repair the vehicle and wait until its shields have been replenished; this will help you get through the next section, especially on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties.

Make a manual save then start to drive down the ramp. A cutscene will begin showing important events occurring. Next drive towards the objective without stopping, keeping track of the 40 seconds countdown, ignoring Geth enemies along the way (otherwise you probably won't make it).

  • Meritorious Service Medal

    ME1: Complete Ilos

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You should definitely unlock Completionist medal during this, if not, something has gone terribly wrong.

  • Completionist

    ME1: Complete the majority of the game

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Final Mission

This will be a combat-heavy mission, so make sure your squad's equipement is in top shape, as well as choosing Wrex and maybe Garrus as your squadmates, as you'll need characters which are good in combat and have usefull Biotic abilities.

M9.0: Race Against Time: Final Battle

After arriving, go left and eliminate the enemies that appear. Next, use the nearby elevator on the left to start some cutscenes.

Once you regain control go forwards towards the south along the passageway (that goes down one level then eventually goes back up), eliminating enemies as you go, some hiding behind cover.

When you reach the end go right up the incline filled with energy barriers. Go left when you reach the top, then make another left turn and follow the route bathed in purple light. Continue E along the corridor and when you reach the end turn right. Activate at least one turret (one directly ahead, another to the left of the area and a third further forward from the second one) to weaken the new arrivals (otherwise the enemies won't stop), then push forward to the S.

Move up the inclined area then pass through the right-hand gap towards the S. Turn right and destroy more enemies that arrive. Push forward to the W (otherwise enemies keep on arriving) then turn left to go S into an open area.

Move forwards, using the left or right areas to traverse the ramps, taking care to avoid heavy turret fire; use the lower areas for cover. As you approach the southern end go left down one of the steep inclines, passing kinetic barriers along the way, then turn right. Alternatively, go down the first steep incline you see on the left then turn right and continue down the corridor, eliminating enemies along the way. Open the floor panel at the end.

Next, manually save your game (in case you want to see other outcomes), then move forward, eliminating enemies in the area.


If you have been playing ME 1 on Insanity legit, then the following won't apply to you and should just proceed as normal. If you have been playing on easy and want to do the glitch, here are the steps as follows. It is not guaranteed this will always work as Bioware may patch this. I will leave it here for you in case they never do.

1. Make a save after you reach Saren the first time in the Citadel before you go down to the final fight. Right before you access the console (to save/kill the council) so after the first Saren fight.

2. Complete the game.

3. Reload the save you made in step 1.

4. Change the difficulty to Insanity and save over your save from step 1.

5. Start a new career and import your character that you just beat the game with.

6. Change the difficulty to Insanity while on the Normandy.

7. When you are on Eden Prime make another separate save.

8. Reload your previous save, verify the game is on insanity from step 4, and beat the game. When the achievement pops, dashboard and shut down the game. Then start the game and choose to 'Resume'. You should then resume the game right at the beginning of the Saren battle. Defeat Saren again and do the same steps as you did the first time. "Insanity II" unlocks. Repeat one more time for "Insanity III".

You reach Saren and some dialogue begins. If you have high enough of a Charm skill, you can convince him that he is indeed indoctrinated, unlocking:

  • Charismatic

    ME1: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation

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If you succeed in convincing him to do the unthinkable or if you had to use force, Saren falls. When finished, go towards the computer panel ahead across the walkway, then make another important decision, followed by a series of cutscenes. Saren isn't dead yet or whatever that thing is anyway. This is a pretty tough fight on Insanity. The new... version of Saren likes to jump around and generally it displays the behavior pattern of a Geth Stalker, which is a type of Geth enemy with which you should have experience by now. Keep moving and keep firing on him, while also using the biotic powers of Sheppard and his squadmates accordingly. Eventually he stops near one of the two sole pillars and starts firing rockets. Make sure you avoid them and keep moving.

After you inflict enough damage to him, several Geth troopers and Snipers will spawn, which is what makes this fight pretty difficult. Immediately focus on the Geth snipers, then the troopers. You actually need to fight them from cover, so as soon as you see them drop down, move to either side of the area to get cover and put some distance between you. Order your squadmates to focus their fire on the snipers, using Overload and Stasis as they were intended. You need to be very fast here, as Saren will keep moving and firing at you while you'll be busy engaging with the Geth. If any squadmates are incapacited, revive them immediately, as their damage as well as abilities are more than vital here. After the Geth are done, the cycle repeats. Keep moving and putting damage on Saren. More Geth will spawn once he's at 50% health, but if you're fast enough you can avoid a third wave when his bar is at 25%, but that also depends on your Class. Regardless, stick with it and he'll die for good this time.

Congratulations on completing ME1. You will now unlock a series of achievements depending on the playthrough number and difficulty. If you have done the glitch method listed above, you will have unlocked the Insanity achievement or achievements depending on whether you did the glitch or not, as well as the last Mass Effect 1 achievement for completing the game.

  • Insanity I

    Complete Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3 on Insanity without changing difficulty

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  • Insanity II

    Complete two games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity without changing difficulty

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  • Insanity III

    Complete all three games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Insanity without changing difficulty

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  • Medal of Honor

    ME1: Complete the game on any difficulty

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Now it's onwards to Mass Effect 2, my personal favorite of the series. Make sure you import the same character over from Mass Effect 1, as there is an achievement for doing so across all three games.

4. Mass Effect 22. General hints and tips

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Guide for Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.