Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (2024)

Ever since I did my first Whole30®a little over 6 months ago, I’ve heardso many great things about sauerkraut that I felt I really needed to incorporate it into my regular diet.

As luck would have it, I happen to love sauerkraut.

Not quite so lucky, though, was the realization that good sauerkraut is very hard to come across. And very expensive, too!

Most of the commercial stuff that’s available at the grocery store is loaded with all sorts of nasties, and more often than not, commercial sauerkraut isgenerally pasteurized and then packaged in a brine of extremely salty water. This kind ofsauerkraut has none of the beneficial probiotics or enzymes of homemade sauerkraut.


Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (1)

There was only one thing left to do: I had to learn how to make my own.

So I read, and read, and read some more on the subject, until finally, I felt ready and comfortable enough to start my very first batch.

Of course, I took notes and pictures to share my experience with you.

Here’s how it went.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (2)

First, I went out and bought me what’s known as a Primary Fermenter. You know, one of those buckets that’s used to brew wine and/or beer at home.

Only I would put mine to much better use!

This beautiful food grade, 6 gallon bucket released my wallet of$40.

Not bad, considering all the batches of sauerkraut it’ll hold and ferment for me in its lifetime.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (3)

While I was at the Home Brewers Supply store, I also got me what’s called an Airlock, or Fermentation Lock.

This neat little contraption allows carbon dioxide to escape the fermenter but won’t allow air to get in, which prevents oxidation, or rot.

This nifty little gadget cost me an extra $5. Worth every single penny, if you ask me!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (4)

Now for the “ahem” handy and technical part…

Don’t worry guys, installing the Fermentation Lock will require only a few tools and very little “construction” skills.

First off, you’ll need a power drill and a hole saw of the appropriate size.

Your airlock will have to sit tightly in the hole that you will be punching with that saw, so pick a size that’s somewhere halfway between the larger and the smaller end of the airlock’s rubber plug.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (5)

You will also need some kind of a punch to mark the spot where you want to drill the hole for your airlock to rest.

Now that hole doesn’t HAVE to be smack in the center of the bucket’s cover. It could be anywhere, really.

I just thought dead center would be easier, and prettier!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (6)

Once that hole has been punched, you want to go ahead and pierce a bigger hole using the hole saw.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (7)

And place your airlock right in your freshly made hole.

Euhm… you might want to rinse it off first, to get rid of all those little pieces of plastic!

I was just demonstrating here that, TADA, it fits perfectly.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (8)

Now that you have your container taken care of, you will need to prep you some cabbage to put in it.

A lot of cabbage!

I used a total of 4 large heads plus half a tiny little one, just because it was begging to be part of the project, too!

So I gave in and let him join the others…

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (9)

First, you will want to remove all the outer leaves. Then, cut your cabbage in 4 pieces and remove the core.

Now, you’ll need to finely shred your cabbage.

To get the job done, you could simply use a knife, but that would take you a while, and might leave you with a few blisters on your fingers…

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (10)

A mandolin sure would be a nice upgrade…

But still, it would take you a wee while!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (11)

When I’m dealing with that big a job, I always like to rely on my trusty heavy duty food processor.

Equipped with the slicing disk attachment, it took care of the task at hand in no time at all!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (12)

And it shredded my cabbage to just the right consistency, too!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (13)

Each bowlful got thrown right into the big white bucket, until it was almost full.

I told you, we’re talking A LOT of cabbage!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (14)

Alright, time to add the salt.

For 4 large heads of cabbage like that, I needed 6 tablespoons of salt diluted in 4 cups of boiled (or bottled) water.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (15)

Also too, to be on the safe side, as well as to make sure my sauerkraut would be nice and crunchy, I chose to add some starter culture.

While not absolutely necessary, using starter culture pretty much insures you that nothing will go wrong during the fermentation process, as it supplies a great deal of bacteria to support the process right from the start.

So in went 2 packages of Caldwell’s Starter Culture diluted in 2 cups of bottled water.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (16)

Time to beat that cabbage up a little!

Or a lot…

Pictured above is what my cabbage looked like right after I added the salt and starter culture.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (17)

And that’s what I had after about 10 minutes of kneading, mixing, beating and mistreating my cabbage.

To get this job done, you want to whip up the heavy (and CLEAN) artillery, such as a meat mallet, a rolling pin (the French kind that has no handles, you know) or even a (brand new) wooden baseball bat, why not?

But I honestly think that the best tool for this is your hands. Make sure you clean them nice and good before you begin, and really go ahead and scrub all the way to your elbows. Because yeah, you’ll be digging this deep!

Now what you want to do is squish and squeeze the cabbage so that it releases some of its liquid, which will blend with the salt and starter culture to form your brine.

Eventually, the cabbage will have released enough water for the brine to completely submerge it.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (18)

At this point, you can stop beating your cabbage and wash your hands again. Trust me, you’re gonna want to.

Now, it is absolutely imperative that your cabbage stays submerged AT ALL TIMES during the fermentation process, so you want to help it stay under the brine.

The best way to do that is to push it down with a plate that fits nice and snug in your bucket and to hold that plate down with a weight.

I used water bottles, so I wouldn’t run the risk of breaking my precious plate! (yeah, I used one of my favorite ceramic plates… I like to live dangerously!)

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (19)

Now that your cabbage is sitting safely and comfortably under that brine, you’ll want to put the cover on and add a little bit of booze (vodka is best) to your airlock.

Add just enough so it fills up about halfway on both sides.

You could also use water, but it’s better to use alcohol to prevent contamination in the event that some of the liquid would inadvertently be drawn into the fermenter.

Now put that baby away in a relatively cool room and leave it undisturbed for a full month.

Yeah, you heard me right. A FULL MONTH! That’s how long it takes for the fermentation process to complete.

Of course, you can check in from time to time just to make sure that everything is fine and that your cabbage is still under the anaerobic safety of the brine.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (20)

After a month, remove the lid and this is what you see.

Strange and very unappealing color, I know…

But don’t be put off by it. This is seriously good stuff, I guarantee it.

Let’s remove that plate and see what’s underneath.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (21)

Better, isn’t it?

Sure starting to look like sauerkraut to me!

Let’s pick up a sample and look at it closely.

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (22)

Oh yeah! Beautiful

That’s exactly what I’d been hoping for.

Crispy, crunchy, super tangy and salty sauerkraut.

It’s perfect, in every possible way.

And I created that!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (23)

Time to transfer it into jars and place it in the fridge, where my precious kraut will keep for months.

Not only will it keep, it will also get better. Apparently, it takes about 6 months for sauerkraut to get to taste its very best.

Not sure it’ll last that long…

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (24)

Oh, and by all means, do not chuck that leftover brine: use it to start a new batch, or even to try your hand at fermenting some other veggies.

I’ve only just started experimenting with this, but I get the feeling I’ll be fermenting ALL SORTS of things.

Of course, I already have another batch of Kraut going…

As well as a batch of fish sauce…

And some corned beef too!

Corned beef and sauerkraut. Now that’s a winning combination to me! 🙂

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (25)


I’m aslo starting to think that soon, very soon, I’ll be tackling Kombucha.

Because hey, I’ll need something to drink with that corned beef and kraut, won’t I?

Ha! It’ll be the ultimate fermented meal!

Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe - Much easier than you think! (2024)


How do you make sauerkraut easier to eat? ›

The best way to eat sauerkraut is to enjoy it as a side dish or topping. It can be served cold or hot, and can be added to salads, sandwiches, burgers, or even tacos. It can also be used as a topping for pizza or nachos. Sauerkraut can also be cooked with other ingredients such as sausage, bacon, onions, and potatoes.

Is homemade sauerkraut better than store bought? ›

Homemade sauerkraut is more flavorful than the best store-bought brands and introduces masses of wild beneficial microbes into our microbiomes. Making homemade fermented foods is not as complicated as we might fear. Homemade sauerkraut can be as simple as three ingredients.

What is the easiest fermented food to make? ›

Sauerkraut is one of the simplest fermented foods to make. It only contains two ingredients – cabbage and salt – although sometimes caraway seeds are added too. To make sauerkraut, all you have to do is shred your cabbage, cover it with salt, and mix around.

What is the most essential step of making sauerkraut? ›

To make sauerkraut, shredded cabbage is mixed with salt and allowed to ferment. The amount of salt added is critical to assuring food safety, and should not be adjusted. Fermentation takes three to six weeks depending on the air temperature. During this time, the acidity in the product will increase.

How to make sauerkraut palatable? ›

15 Ways To Make Canned Sauerkraut Taste Better
  1. Give your canned sauerkraut a bath. ...
  2. Add some richness with fat. ...
  3. Sauerkraut can use some onions. ...
  4. Sweeten canned sauerkrauts with apples. ...
  5. Sprinkle in spices and aromatics. ...
  6. Douse canned sauerkraut with spirits or liqueurs. ...
  7. Cook with cider, apple juice, white wine, or beer.
Feb 19, 2024

What is the best jar to make sauerkraut in? ›

You can use a crock if you have one and want to make a lot of sauerkraut, but a mason jar will do just fine for small batches. The cabbage releases liquid, creating its own brining solution.

Is it cheaper to make your own sauerkraut? ›

Why make your own sauerkraut/kimchi? There are so many reasons! COST: making your own fermented veggies is WAY cheaper than buying them at the store! FLEXIBLE FLAVORS AND SALT LEVEL: making your own fermented veggies allows you to put whatever ingredients, flavors, level of salt or hot pepper that you want.

What is the healthiest form of sauerkraut? ›

Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut contains beneficial probiotics that generally do not survive the pasteurization process. You can typically find these in the refrigerated sections of some grocery stores, but it's best to check the label to make sure your sauerkraut has not been pasteurized.

What are the best fermented foods for beginners? ›

This could not be easier!
  • Whole-Grain Fermented Mustard. mustard seeds, apple cider vinegar and 2 more. ...
  • Fermented Hot Sauce. shallots, chili peppers, sea salt and 6 more. ...
  • Fermented Salsa – Gluten-Free, Vegan. ...
  • Simple Fermented Vegetables. ...
  • Giardiniera. ...
  • Kosher Dill Pickles. ...
  • Homemade Fermented Sauerkraut. ...
  • Homemade Kimchi (Kimchee)
Mar 17, 2022

What is the best fermentation starter? ›

  1. Sourdough Starter. This is obviously well-suited to grain dishes and baked goods, but can also be used to culture beans, fruits, and even vegetables. ...
  2. Juice from Fermented Vegetables. ...
  3. Whey from Yogurt or Kefir. ...
  4. Kombucha. ...
  5. Water Kefir.

What makes sauerkraut taste better? ›

Ten Delicious Kraut Additions
  1. Juniper Berries. Small and dark, these little raisin-sized berries pack a flavor punch. ...
  2. Beets. Peeled and grated or thinly sliced, even a tiny bit of beet stains the whole ferment fuchsia. ...
  3. Ginger. ...
  4. Lemon Peel. ...
  5. Dill. ...
  6. Caraway Seed. ...
  7. Fennel. ...
  8. Celery Root (celeriac)

How long does homemade sauerkraut take to ferment? ›

Store the container at 70°–75°F (21°–23°C) while fermenting. At these temperatures, sauerkraut will be fully fermented in about three to four weeks; at 60°–65°F (15°–18°C), fermentation may take six weeks. Below 60°F (15°C), sauerkraut may not ferment. Above 80°F (26°C), sauerkraut may become soft and spoil.

Is it OK to use iodized salt for sauerkraut? ›

Salt: Use non—iodized salt with no added anti—caking agents for best quality. Salt helps form the brine and acts as a preservative. Salt causes the cabbage cells to release fermentable sugars and inhibits growth of undesirable yeasts, molds, and bacteria.

What is the tastiest way to eat sauerkraut? ›

Sauerkraut can be added to soups and stews; cooked with stock, beer or wine; served with sausages or salted meats, and is especially good with smoked fish, like hot-smoked salmon.

How do you calm down sauerkraut? ›

If you want to reduce the tartness of your sauerkraut but still maintain the traditional flavor, you can try adding different types of vegetables to the dish. Carrots, beets, and apples are all good choices, as they add sweetness and balance out the acidity of the cabbage.

What is the best way to eat sauerkraut for gut health? ›

Studies suggest incorporating sauerkraut into a well-rounded breakfast or as a component of fibre-rich lunches and dinners still offers gut-friendly benefits. Pairing it with prebiotics like onions, garlic, bananas, and Jerusalem artichokes can further aid probiotic colonization and growth in your gut.

How do you soften homemade sauerkraut? ›

It will soften a bit over time, but it will always be a bit crunchy. If you like to make it less crunchy, use a mandoline style slicer set at 1/8-inch or less. It is nearly impossible to hand-cut such a fine shred. The sauerkraut will soften if you cook, but it will lose the enzymes and beneficial bacteria.


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.