Study guide for Exam MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant (2024)

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Purpose of this document

This study guide should help you understand what to expect on the examand includes a summary of the topics the exam might cover and links toadditional resources. The information and materials in this documentshould help you focus your studies as you prepare for the exam.

Useful linksDescription
Review the skills measured as of March 25, 2024This list represents the skills measured AFTER the date provided. Study this list if you plan to take the exam AFTER that date.
Review the skills measured prior to March 25, 2024Study this list of skills if you take your exam PRIOR to the date provided.
Change logYou can go directly to the change log if you want to see the changes that will be made on the date provided.
How to earn the certificationSome certifications only require passing one exam, while others require passing multiple exams.
Certification renewalMicrosoft associate, expert, and specialty certifications expire annually. You can renew by passing a free online assessment on Microsoft Learn.
Your Microsoft Learn profileConnecting your certification profile to Microsoft Learn allows you to schedule and renew exams and share and print certificates.
Exam scoring and score reportsA score of 700 or greater is required to pass.
Exam sandboxYou can explore the exam environment by visiting our exam sandbox.
Request accommodationsIf you use assistive devices, require extra time, or need modification to any part of the exam experience, you can request an accommodation.
Take a practice testAre you ready to take the exam or do you need to study a bit more?

Updates to the exam

Our exams are updated periodically to reflect skills that are requiredto perform a role. We have included two versions of the Skills Measuredobjectives depending on when you are taking the exam.

We always update the English language version of the exam first. Someexams are localized into other languages, and those are updatedapproximately eight weeks after the English version is updated. WhileMicrosoft makes every effort to update localized versions as noted,there may be times when the localized versions of an exam are notupdated on this schedule. Other available languages are listed in theSchedule Exam section of the Exam Details webpage. If the examisn't available in your preferred language, you can request anadditional 30 minutes to complete the exam.


The bullets that follow each of the skills measured are intended toillustrate how we are assessing that skill. Related topics may becovered in the exam.


Most questions cover features that are general availability (GA). Theexam may contain questions on Preview features if those features arecommonly used.

Skills measured as of March 25, 2024

Audience profile

As a candidate for this exam, you’re a functional consultant whoimplements core application setup processes for small and mediumbusinesses. You configure the application in collaboration with theimplementation team to provide the business with manageability and easeof use.

You implement and configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centralincluding:

  • Setting up core functionality and modules, including:

    • Financial management

    • Sales

    • Purchasing

    • Inventory

  • Migrating data to Business Central.

You have applied knowledge of meeting business needs by specializing inone or more feature sets of Business Central.

As a candidate, you may configure role centers including adaptinginsights, cues, action tiles, reports, and charts. You also may expandfunctionality by using extensions.

You also understand how Business Central connects to:

  • Microsoft 365

  • Microsoft Power Platform

  • Dynamics 365

Skills at a glance

  • Set up Business Central (15–20%)

  • Configure financials (30–35%)

  • Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%)

  • Perform Business Central operations (30–35%)

Set up Business Central (15–20%)

Create and configure a company

  • Create a company in Business Central

  • Create a company by using Assisted Setup

  • Describe the use cases and capabilities of configuration packages

  • Create a configuration worksheet

  • Create and use a configuration package

  • Create journal opening balances

  • Migrate data

Manage security

  • Create and manage user profiles

  • Set up a new user

  • Create and assign permission sets and permissions

  • Apply security filters

  • Manage user permissions by using security groups

Set up core functionality

  • Set up company information

  • Set up reports and configure report layouts

  • Set up and use job queues

  • Set up email accounts

  • Set up number series

Set up dimensions

  • Set up dimensions and dimension values

  • Set up global dimensions and shortcut dimensions

  • Set up default dimensions for master data

  • Set up blocking combinations of dimensions and dimension values

  • Describe the Dimension Correction Tool

  • Set up default dimensions for account types

  • Set up default dimension priorities

Manage approvals by using workflows

  • Set up native workflows

  • Set up a notification system

  • Set up users for approval and workflow user groups

Describe Business Central integrations with other products

  • Describe use cases for Microsoft 365 integration, including MicrosoftExcel, OneDrive, Outlook, Teams, and Word

  • Describe uses cases for Microsoft Power Platform integration

Configure financials (30–35%)

Set up Finance Management

  • Configure General Ledger setup

  • Configure accounting periods

  • Set up payment terms

Manage the chart of accounts

Set up posting groups

  • Create specific posting groups including bank, customer, vendor, andinventory posting groups

  • Create general posting groups

  • Configure General Posting Setup

  • Configure Inventory Posting Setup

Set up journals and bank accounts

  • Set up bank accounts

  • Create journal templates, including no. series

  • Create batches

  • Implement recurring journals

Set up accounts payables

  • Create vendor accounts, including payment terms, vendor bank accounts,and related records

  • Configure Purchases & Payables Setup

  • Set up payment journals

  • Describe the relationship between vendors, vendor ledger entries, anddetailed vendor ledger entries

Set up accounts receivables

  • Create customer accounts

  • Configure Sales & Receivables Setup

  • Set up cash receipt journals

  • Set up payment registration

  • Configure customer payment methods

  • Describe the relationship between customers, customer ledger entries,and detailed customer ledger entries

Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%)

Set up inventory

  • Configure inventory set up

  • Manage items, including item categories, item attributes, and units ofmeasure

  • Create locations

  • Describe the relationship between items, item ledger entries, andvalue entries

  • Differentiate between costing methods

Configure master data for sales and purchasing

  • Configure core customer settings including shipping agents, locations,and shipping addresses

  • Configure core vendor settings including order address, lead time, andlocations

Configure pricing and discounts

  • Manage vendor purchase prices

  • Manage purchase line and invoice discounts

  • Manage customer sales prices

  • Manage sales line and invoice discounts

Perform Business Central operations (30–35%)

Perform basic tasks in Business Central

  • Differentiate between designing, customizing, and personalizing pages

  • Customize pages

  • Apply and save filters

  • Find documents and related entries

  • Use the Inspect pages and data feature

  • Perform data updates by using the Edit in Excel feature

  • Attach and share files by using Microsoft OneDrive

  • Describe and analyze telemetry

Process purchases

  • Manage quotations

  • Create a purchase order

  • Receive items for a purchase order

  • Describe the over-receipt feature

  • Undo a receipt

  • Create a posted invoice from a purchase order

  • Configure recurring purchase lines

  • Manage blanket purchase orders

Process sales

  • Manage quotations

  • Convert a sales quote into a sales order or sales invoice

  • Analyze item availability

  • Ship items for a sales order

  • Undo shipments

  • Create a sales invoice from a sales order

  • Configure recurring sales lines

  • Manage blanket sales orders

Process financial documents

  • Process purchase invoices

  • Process purchase credit memos

  • Process sales invoices

  • Process sales credit memos

  • Combine sales shipments into a single sales invoice

  • Combine purchase receipts into a single purchase invoice

  • Correct a posted purchase invoice

  • Correct a posted sales invoice

  • Release and reopen documents

  • Process prepayment invoices for purchases and sales

Process payments and journals

  • Process payments by using payment journals

  • Process receipts by using the cash receipt journal

  • Process payment registrations

  • Apply ledger entries and undo applied entries

  • Reverse posted journals

Study resources

We recommend that you train and get hands-on experience before you takethe exam. We offer self-study options and classroom training as well aslinks to documentation, community sites, and videos.

Study resourcesLinks to learning and documentation
Get trainedChoose from self-paced learning paths and modules or take an instructor-led course
Find documentationDynamics 365 documentation and learning modules
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Change log

Key to understanding the table: The topic groups (also known asfunctional groups) are in bold typeface followed by the objectiveswithin each group. The table is a comparison between the two versions ofthe exam skills measured and the third column describes the extent ofthe changes.

Skill area prior to March 25, 2024Skill area as of March 25, 2024Change
Audience profileMinor
Set up Business CentralSet up Business Central% of exam decreased
Create and configure a companyCreate and configure a companyMinor
Manage securityManage securityMinor
Set up core functionalitySet up core functionalityMinor
Set up dimensionsSet up dimensionsMajor
Manage approvals by using workflowsManage approvals by using workflowsMinor
Describe Business Central integrations with other productsAdded
Configure financialsConfigure financialsNo % change
Set up Finance ManagementSet up Finance ManagementMinor
Manage the chart of accountsManage the chart of accountsMajor
Set up posting groupsSet up posting groupsMinor
Set up journals and bank accountsSet up journals and bank accountsMinor
Set up accounts payablesSet up accounts payablesMinor
Set up accounts receivablesSet up accounts receivablesMinor
Configure sales and purchasingConfigure sales and purchasingNo % change
Set up inventorySet up inventoryMinor
Configure master data for sales and purchasingConfigure master data for sales and purchasingNo change
Configure pricing and discountsConfigure pricing and discountsNo change
Perform Business Central operationsPerform Business Central operations% of exam increased
Perform basic tasks in Business CentralPerform basic tasks in Business CentralMinor
Process purchasesProcess purchasesMinor
Process salesProcess salesMinor
Process financial documentsProcess financial documentsNo change
Process payments and journalsProcess payments and journalsMinor

Skills measured prior to March 25, 2024

Audience profile

Candidates for this exam are functional consultants who implement coreapplication setup processes for small and medium businesses. Theyconfigure the application in collaboration with the implementation teamto provide the business with manageability and ease of use.

Candidates implement and configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 BusinessCentral including setting up core functionality and modules andmigrating data to Business Central. They have applied knowledge ofmeeting business needs by specializing in one or more feature sets ofBusiness Central.

Candidates may configure role centers including adapting insights, cues,action tiles, reports, and charts. This includes a basic understandingof financial management, sales, purchasing, and inventory. They alsounderstand how Business Central connects to Microsoft 365, PowerPlatform, and Dynamics 365.

  • Set up Business Central (20–25%)

  • Configure financials (30–35%)

  • Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%)

  • Perform Business Central operations (25–30%)

Set up Business Central (20–25%)

Create and configure a company

  • Create a company in the on-premises and cloud-based versions ofBusiness Central

  • Create a company by using Assisted Setup to copy data from an existingcompany

  • Describe the use cases and capabilities of RapidStart Services

  • Create a configuration worksheet

  • Create and use a configuration package

  • Create journal opening balances

Manage security

  • Create and manage user profiles

  • Set up a new user and user groups

  • Create and assign permission sets and permissions

  • Apply security filters

Set up core functionality

  • Set up company information

  • Set up printers for on-premises and cloud-based installations

  • Set up reports and custom report layouts

  • Set up and use job queues

  • Set up email accounts

  • Set up number series

Set up dimensions

  • Set up dimensions and dimension values

  • Set up global dimensions and shortcut dimensions

  • Set up dimensions to master data

  • Set up blocking combinations of dimensions and dimension values

  • Describe the Dimension Correction Tool

Manage approvals by using workflows

  • Set up native workflows

  • Set up a notification system

  • Set up approvals

Configure financials (30–35%)

Set up Finance Management

  • Configure General Ledger setup

  • Configure accounting periods

Manage the chart of accounts

  • Set up G/L Account Card

  • Create account categories and subcategories

  • Describe filtering on Chart of Accounts for finance reporting

Set up posting groups

  • Create specific posting groups including bank, customer, vendor, andinventory posting groups

  • Create general posting groups

  • Configure General Posting Setup

Set up journals and bank accounts

  • Set up bank accounts

  • Create journal templates

  • Create batches

  • Implement recurring journals

Set up accounts payables

  • Create vendor accounts including payment terms, vendor bank accounts,and related records

  • Set up payment information for vendors

  • Configure Purchases & Payables Setup

  • Set up payment journals

  • Describe the relationship between vendors, vendor ledger entries, anddetailed vendor ledger entries

Set up accounts receivables

  • Create customer accounts

  • Configure Sales & Receivables Setup

  • Set up cash receipt journals

  • Set up payment registration

  • Configure customer payment methods

  • Describe the relationship between customers, customer ledger entries,and detailed customer ledger entries

  • Consolidate customer and vendor balances

Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%)

Set up inventory

  • Configure inventory set up

  • Manage items

  • Create locations

  • Describe the relationship between items, item ledger entries, andvalue entries

  • Differentiate between costing methods

Configure master data for sales and purchasing

  • Configure core customer settings including shipping agents, locations,and shipping addresses

  • Configure core vendor settings including order address, lead time, andlocations

Configure pricing and discounts

  • Manage vendor purchase prices

  • Manage purchase line and invoice discounts

  • Manage customer sales prices

  • Manage sales line and invoice discounts

Perform Business Central operations (25–30%)

Perform basic tasks in Business Central

  • Differentiate between designing, customizing, and personalizing pages

  • Customize pages

  • Apply and save filters

  • Find documents and related entries

  • Use the Inspect pages and data feature

  • Perform data updates by using the Edit in Excel feature

  • Attach and share files by using OneDrive

Process purchases

  • Manage quotations

  • Create a purchase order

  • Receive items for a purchase order

  • Describe the over-receipt feature

  • Undo a receipt

  • Create a posted invoice from a purchase order

  • Configure recurring purchase lines

Process sales

  • Manage quotation

  • Convert a sales quote into a sales order or sales invoice

  • Analyze item availability

  • Ship items for a sales order

  • Undo shipments

  • Create a sales invoice from a sales order

  • Configure recurring sales lines

Process financial documents

  • Process purchase invoices

  • Process purchase credit memos

  • Process sales invoices

  • Process sales credit memos

  • Combine sales shipments into a single sales invoice

  • Combine purchase receipts into a single purchase invoice

  • Correct a posted purchase invoice

  • Correct a posted sales invoice

  • Release and reopen documents

  • Process prepayment invoices for purchases and sales

Process payments and journals

  • Process payments by using payment journals

  • Process receipts by using the cash receipts journal

  • Create bank deposits

  • Process payment registrations

  • Apply ledger entries and undo applied entries

  • Reverse posted journals

Study guide for Exam MB-800: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Functional Consultant (2024)


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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5584

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.