Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (2024)

by Courtenay Hartford 3 Comments


This three ingredient date fudge has become a family favourite recipe in our house. It’s healthy, easy to make, and really hits the spot for even the biggest chocolate craving!

Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (1)

I’ve been making this three ingredient date fudge for a couple of years now and I recently went to look up a recipe for it online to see how others were making it and couldn’t find anything even similar to what I was looking for. I decided there was definitely a need out there that had to be filled. 🙂 This is my version of a fudge recipe from our favourite little vegan restaurant here in town that closed down a few months ago. Their fudge recipe was probably just a little more fine-tuned than mine because they went through so many batches of it, but I’ve been working on mine for quite awhile too so I think I’ve gotten it pretty darn close. 🙂

You will be so shocked at how good this simple, healthy fudge really is. Our kids like it even better than real fudge and I think I might have to agree.

Ingredients and Supplies for the Three Ingredient Date Fudge

You’ll need:

And that’s it!

Other optional add-ins include a dash of maple syrup if your dates are a little less sweet than you’d like them, a dash of vanilla (just because that never hurts), or a sprinkling of sea salt for the top if you’re trying to be fancy.

Supplies you’ll want to have on hand:

How to Make the Three Ingredient Date Fudge

Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (2)

You’ll want to start out by soaking your dates in hot water for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. I just use the water from my insta hot tap on my water dispenser. If your dates are a little on the drier side, you probably want to soak them for closer to an hour.

Next, you’ll combine all of your ingredients in your food processor and pulse them until everything is smooth and well-combined. Make sure you taste the fudge and make any adjustments necessary if you need it a little sweeter.

Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and use one spatula to remove the fudge from the food processor and the second to drop it into the loaf pan. Using both spatulas will just make it a whole lot easier because the fudge will be pretty sticky at this point.

Smooth it out and chill it in the fridge for about an hour, or overnight, then slice it up into little squares!

Pro fudge tip: Keep your fudge in the freezer in the summer! The squares of fudge will taste just like little mini fudge-sicles. 🙂

Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (3)

Here’s the full printable recipe:

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Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (4)


Three Ingredient Date Fudge

This three ingredient date fudge has become a family favourite recipe in our house. It's healthy, easy to make, and really hits the spot for even the biggest chocolate craving!



Keyword:Three Ingredient Date Fudge


  • 1cupdates
  • 1/2cupmelted coconut oil
  • 1/3cupcocoa powder
  • drizzlemaple syrup(optional)
  • splashvanilla(optional)


  1. Soak the dates in hot water for 30 minutes to an hour to soften them.

  2. Drain the water off of the dates, then combine the dates, coconut oil, and cocoa powder in the bowl of a food processor.

  3. Process for 1-2 minutes until everything is very smooth and well combined. Taste the fudge and make any adjustments as needed.

  4. Transfer the fudge to a parchment-lined loaf pan using two spatulas. Use one spatula to remove the fudge from the food processor, then use the second spatula to remove the fudge from the first and drop it onto the parchment paper.

  5. Smooth the fudge out and chill it for about an hour, then remove from the pan slice into little squares. This recipe should make about 20 1" squares.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! 🙂


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Courtenay Hartford

Author at The Creek Line House | Website | + posts

Courtenay Hartford is the author of, a blog based on her adventures renovating a 120-year-old farmhouse in rural Ontario, Canada. On her blog, Courtenay shares interior design tips based on her own farmhouse and her work as founder and stylist of the interior photography firm Art & Spaces. She also writes about her farmhouse garden, plant-based recipes, family travel, and homekeeping best practices. Courtenay is the author of the book The Cleaning Ninja and has been featured in numerous magazines including Country Sampler Farmhouse Style, Better Homes and Gardens, Parents Magazine, Real Simple, and Our Homes.


Three Ingredient Date Fudge Recipe - The Creek Line House (2024)


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