4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (2024)

Room Planner > Blog > Interior Design > 4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love

To ensure the movement of people on the stair, a sculptural railing was invented. Such staircase railing design is available in different shapes, and types, and is made of different materials. The most popular architecture for staircase railings designs is the black and white floating Henderson staircase. Having dealt with the types of renovation structures, you can make the right choice and renovate the best fence to feel safe and convenient.

Ideas for Staircase Railings External to the Porch

The iron staircase railing ideas are the first thing that meets the owners of a country house and their guests before entering the room. This design is not only a decorative requirement but also practical. It serves as a supportive element for the person walking up the stairs. Beautiful designer designs will be a calling card in the country or a private home.

4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (1)

The structure of stair railings for the porch under the canopy is as follows:

  • balusters;

  • sub-balusters;

  • support columns;

  • handrails;

  • brackets - due to the railings being attached to the house.

Traditionally, the design for staircase railing up to 90 cm high wire is installed, so a person of medium height will be secure and comfortable using such a steel structure. Among the most popular materials are simple wood, London metal, and contrast polyvinyl chloride. Wooden products look solid, but the material requires additional processing: it must be protected from moisture, and insects, so the products are painted with stain and varnish.

Metal Emily styled curve structures look modern, and wrought iron options delight guests and residents of the house. Polyvinyl chloride has recently gained popularity - such products are available, durable, and presented in a wide variety of species. Exterior railings are selected according to the contemporary design of the facade of the house.

Internal Staircase Railing Ideas

The second type of line railing - is internal, which is ideal for focus installation in the townhouse or apartment. Stair linear handrails are suitable for different types of internal structures but have the same external structure. For example, support London-based columns are fixed at the beginning and end of the flight of stairs, and the step between them is 50-60 cm. Centerpiece supports are additionally installed on turning sheet platforms.

4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (2)

The second important element is the handrail. Harmony in the interior will depend on its living graphic appearance, but attractiveness is not the main aspect of this detail. Even the most unconventional handrails are designed to perform a single function - to ensure movement on the stairs and provide convenience when using the industrial structure. Therefore, the handrails are located on top of the support cousin columns, and can also be attached to the wall - this allows you to hold them with both hands.

Another detail of modern internal structures is a filling touch. This element is considered optional, it fills the space between the posts and handrails. The bespoke filling is extremely important if there are children in the house, balusters or racks should be installed at intervals. The structure is often filled with inserts from different raw materials.

Staircase Railings Ideas: Production Materials

Manufacturers of stair railings offer a huge variety of materials for structures. After reading the full list of raw materials, you can make your own decisions.

Wood Staircase Railing Ideas: Top Wooden Ideas

The most popular raw material for the manufacture of kitchen structures is Salz-Smith wood. It is used for the tension construction of interior railings, designed for both spiral and escalators. Wooden railings are easy to make, easy to pass, easy to work with, and suitable for any interior style and tone. The profile color of the wooden configuration impresses with the range, so each homeowner can choose their weld point.

The following types of wood are used for the production of support columns, handrails, and filling:

Oak. Products from these raw materials are considered expensive, but in this case, the price corresponds to the quality. Oak structures are reliable and practical, they are ideal for luxury interiors, as they have a stunning appearance. The rock has a porous structure, so full grinding is impossible: on the surface, you will see an unusual pattern.

4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (3)

Beech. Strong breed, designed to ensure safety when walking upstairs. The only disadvantage of beech is its hygroscopicity, so at the final stage, the product is treated with special compounds.

Conifers. Pine is used, which not only has an attractive aroma but also allows you to create original patterns on the surface. Products from such raw materials are inexpensive, the structure is unique and easy to process.

Larch. Siberian larch is often used for the product, which differs in its strength. Handrails, posts, and balusters made of this material fully justify its value.

Among the features of wooden handrails are their versatility, as well as the ability to combine. Combined wooden products look great in a modern interior. Environmental friendliness and aesthetics are two indisputable advantages of such material.


Glass stair railings make the interior of the house airy, light, and spacious. If the apartment does not have so much space, then glassware will be a great way to visually expand the room. Design solutions allow the use of the following types of glass:

  • frost-resistant;

  • explosion-proof;

  • bulletproof;

  • noise protection;

  • refractory.

All these types are multi-layered glass structures and are ideal for the design of the stairwell. With this material, you should not be afraid of fragility and worry about broken railings. One of the important factors is the care of the product - it must be constantly wiped with a rag with the tool, then the design will look new.

Modern Staircase Railings Design: Ropes

Another unusual type of stair railing - is rope. This design is a rope of medium thickness. Rope railings are well suited when the flight of stairs to the second floor is long. The peculiarity of the design is that the firm rope is stretched between several support pillars and fixed there. Stair railings in the house are well suited for marine style, as well as for interiors in the spirit of England and Scotland.

Photos of such structures show that the emphasis in the system is on the balusters. Vertical wooden poles are fixed on spans and turning platforms. You can make such railings yourself according to individual sizes because the cost of materials is small. Another nuance - it is desirable to fasten the rope on both sides. Wall handrails will be needed when there are children and the elderly in the house.

Each type of decor can be implemented with your own hands, and you can place orders from specialized companies. Decorative railings for stairs will add comfort to the home atmosphere and emphasize the owner's individual approach to the details. Download the Room Planner App to try different kinds of railing for your stairs to choose the best one before the actual repair.

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4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (6)
4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (7)
4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (8)
4 Modern Staircase Railing Design Ideas You Will Love | Room Planner Blog (2024)


How do you modernize stairs? ›

How to update stairs on a budget: 10 ways to makeover and revamp your stairs
  1. Paint the stairs. ...
  2. Add wallpaper to update your stairs. ...
  3. Fit a DIY stair runner. ...
  4. Fit a DIY handrail. ...
  5. Continue the stair runner onto the landing. ...
  6. Style the stairs with plants. ...
  7. Add wallpaper or tiles to the risers. ...
  8. Cause a distraction.
Dec 12, 2023

Where should stair railing start and end? ›

In these settings, the railing must be continuous, starting at the nosing of the upper landing and extending at a minimum to the nosing of the lowest step or “riser.” In addition, for optimal safety, the handrail should run the entire length of the nosing line wherever possible.

Do you need a railing for 4 steps? ›

A handrail is required for all residential stairs with more than three risers, but it's always a good idea to consult local building codes for specific requirements. When choosing a handrail for your home, consider the style, material, and placement guidelines to ensure safety and aesthetic appeal.

How do you layout handrails on stairs? ›

Using a level and tape measure, mark the wall at a point 36 inches above the nose of the stair treads, at the top, bottom, and middle of the handrail location. These reference marks will show the location of the top edge of the handrail.

What is the latest staircase trend? ›

Floating stairs have gained immense popularity for their sleek and minimalist design. These stairs create the illusion of floating in mid-air, enhancing the sense of openness and modernity in a space.

How do you modernize a banister? ›

Keep it Simple. The old adage “less is more” may be one to live by in your staircase makeover. Instead of repainting or rebuilding unique railings and balusters, opt for unembellished ones. Installing posts horizontally with wide boards or metal pipe adds character while maintaining a clean and classic look.

Should stair railing be on the left or right side? ›

Depends which way the stair is configured. If it is a straight flight in one rise from floor to floor then usually on the right (going up). This is because most people are right handed, and older people require more support going up than down. If designing specifically for a lefty, then left side.

What is the difference between a handrail and a stair rail? ›

Rock solid and designed to be elegant safety features in any stairwell, Promenaid handrails are made to be easy to install and are the ideal solution for mobility challenges. A stair railing, on the other hand, is primarily used to prevent people from falling off the side of the stairs.

What is the gap between stair handrail and wall? ›

A clear minimum gap of between 50mm and 75mm should be provided between the handrail and adjacent wall.

How long should a handrail be for 4 steps? ›

LENGTH: To get a general idea of how much handrail you need, count the number of steps on your stairway and multiply by 13”. Don't forget to add any extra length that may be needed at the top or bottom of your stairway.

How high can steps be without a railing? ›

Per the ICC, a guardrail is a must when the distance from the grade below to the walking surface above is greater than 30 inches. Finally, you'll need to measure from the top tread of the stairs to the ground below. If there is a “drop” of 48 inches or higher from the top tread, you need a guardrail.

How tall can steps be without a railing? ›

If the total rise is at least three feet, most regulations will require a rail and handrail. The rise is the difference between the bottom of the stairs and their top edge. In other words, it's the height difference from the ground to the area you want to reach.

How far apart do rails need to be for stairs? ›

Minimum Distance Between Two Stair Railings: 27 Inches

This handrail code requirement provides sufficient room for a person to walk and carry items up or down the stairs.

What is the bottom of a stair railing called? ›

Base rail: what is base rail? The base rail is the board at the bottom of the guardrail that is located beneath the balusters and on top of the stringer. The base rail runs up the staircase and is supported at each end by a newel post.

Can you modify existing staircase? ›

Not only is it possible to replace the entire balustrade with a completely new design without causing too much disruption, spindles, handrails and newel posts can also be replaced individually where necessary—either with more modern designs or with replicas of the original.

How do you revamp old wooden stairs? ›

Follow these steps for a successful wooden staircase makeover:
  1. Step 1: Remove the old finish or carpet. ...
  2. Step 2: Repair damaged wood. ...
  3. Step 3: Sand and Smooth Surfaces. ...
  4. Step 4: Staining or Painting Options. ...
  5. Step 5: Applying a Protective Finish. ...
  6. Step 6: Reassemble and reinstall. ...
  7. Step 7: Final Touches.
Dec 6, 2023

Can stairs be redesigned? ›

Your staircase remodel may be fairly minor but pack a punch: painting the vertical spindles, restaining treads or risers, and adding a bold carpet runner. Replacing the handrails and spindles, or otherwise changing the bones of the staircase, may require finding a contractor.


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